
Branches created in DRTrack are automatically visible and usable in Resource Calendar. Branches can only be created in DRTrack under the Admin > Branch Manager Menu.


Drivers created in DRTrack are automatically visible and usable in Resource Calendar. Drivers are created in DRTrack under the Admin > Dispatch > Driver menu. Drivers must have Show on Calendar checked. Drivers are tied to an asset/truck through a truck user field on the truck record called DriverID.


Assets created in DRTrack are automatically visible and usable in Resource Calendar. Assets are created in DRTrack under Admin > Routing > Assets Manager. Just like setting up the Route Calendar, you create asset types first, then. These assets should have a 1:1 relationship with a truck in the truck profile. The assignment from asset to truck in the truck profile is done through a truck user field called AssetID. This assignment must be done for the calendar to work properly.


Trucks uploaded or created in DRTrack are visible and usable in Resource Calendar. Trucks are either created in or uploaded to DRTrack via DirectRoute. The truck profile used by the calendar should be called Route Calendar or RouteCalendar.

Best Practices

If an organization wants a route created on a driver or asset to automatically be preassigned to another asset, then the truck user fields DriverID and AssetID must be filled out on the truck master record.