DirectRoute 2019.3

Release Date:  21 Aug 2019

Click on the attached document below to view the release highlights for DirectRoute 2019.3.

Important Note: Effective with this release, DirectRoute map data relies on an active internet connection to retrieve current Trimble map data provided by PC*MILER Web Services. Customers should ensure they have external internet access to the following sites:

Additional information is available in the Readme.txt file, copied to your DirectRoute folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\TMW Systems Inc\Appian\Direct Route) when updated with any new release download. 

Updating to a New Version

If you are interested in updating to this newest version of DRTrack, or any other version, contact Trimble MAPS Appian Customer Support at (800) 663-0626, Option 2, then Option 8; Mon - Fri from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (CST).  Or send an email to [email protected].