DRTrack 2020.3
Release Date: 30 Oct 2020
Enhancements in This Release
New: Added ability to set Lambda as a decimal value so that the routes created in DRTrack can be as optimal as possible.
- Go to Admin > Routing > Algorithm Settings > Default > Algorithm Settings > Lambda.
- Acceptable Lambda values are 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.0.
New: Streamlined geocoding to include a fallback/zip result if no results are returned for a full address.
- The GeoResult will be displayed as Zip Code for the account or order that is geocoded.
New: Added ability for users to select a default branch to be displayed first, by default, in the drop downs on most DRT pages.
- To set the default branch, go to Admin > Site > Users; select a checkbox under a column called Default Branch on the Branch Access page.
New: Samsara/DRTrack Integration feature.
- ShipTo addresses, if different from the Account Master address, will now pass to, and appear, in Samsara.
New: Rush Hour Rules Added. Defined at the Order/Account level or Truck level, this setting will affect how drive time and distance is calculated, allowing for more accurate estimated times.
- Used to account for heavier traffic at different times of the day and/or condensed city centers. At the Order/Account level, update the Time Speed Adjustment. Fill in time values in AM Start/AM End or PM Start/PM End and add a percentage in AM Adj/PM Adj (100 is baseline). The percentage will adjust the speed during the times indicated (AM Start/AM End or PM Start/PM End) which then impacts the estimated arrival time of each stop.
- Increased drive time = decreased vehicle speed; decreased drive time = increased vehicle speed.
- Example: If AM Adj = 120, drive time is increased and vehicle is slowed by 20%; if AM Adj = 80, drive time is decreased and vehicle speed is increased by 20%.
New: Unconsolidate Stop Option for Consolidated Stops.
- Users can now select a specific order to unconsolidate from a group of consolidated orders on a stop. Once an order has been unconsolidated, it can be moved to another route or stop, reassigned to another asset, another day, etc.
New: Error message added to warn and prevent unloading all stops on the first leg of a multi-leg route .
- Prevents display of a message stating the route is empty (it's not looking at the second leg of the route). The new message displayed reads The first leg on a multi-leg route cannot be empty.
Issues Resolved in This Release
- Corrected order deletion issue caused when merging routes on the Route Calendar.
- Corrected the issue preventing the end terminal from being recorded when GPS points are within stop detection.
- Rectified error received when calling DRTrack web service to pull account information back.
- Unblocked Order import process usp_insorderaudit.
- Rectified time-out issues when searching master orders.
- Resolved issue with the database update script preventing addition of branches.
- Updated OIM exe.config to ensure enterprise sync occurs in the logs.
- Resolved Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object, received when navigating to the Route Board for the first time after login.
- Resolved issue causing user password deletion when a default branch was selected before saving the password.
- Modified automatic generation of SQL update scripts to populate VersionDate correctly.
- Resolved HOS remaining hour’s issue (negative value) with PeopleNet integration.
- Modified TBLTRUCKMASTER VehicleProfileId to accept/save a new default vehicle profile.
- Resolved issue displaying the TrimFakeOrders button. Button should not display when ini setting is set to FALSE.
- Corrected issue causing a "Reservation Email Sent" message to display for all reservation activities.
- Modified GetRouteDetailByModifiedDate call to return TruckID along with DeviceID and DriverID.
- Corrected issue that required the user to refresh before displaying a route switch.
- Corrected issue that caused edits to default roles to overwrite the the update script.
- Resolved issue causing delay in when selecting BranchID/DeviceID on the Add/Edit Driver page.
- Resolved incorrect hyperlinks to select/deselect Unloaded Stop and View Line Item Details in Route Calendar/Unloaded Stops.
- Modified Volume Qty to accept 7+ digits so it displays correctly on the header of the Route Card in the Route Calendar (Details Mode).
- Modified POI record to eliminate an error when an apostrophe in the POI name is used.
- Modified/added missing constraint to SQL script.
- Modified EqCode to accept 20+ characters so it will display correctly.
- Resolved error Nullible object must have a value received when an existing route is dragged from one driver to another in the Route Calendar.
- Modified Route Calendar Fixed Time Change field to be consistent with the way the Order Detail page Fixed Time Change applies the Fixed Time to the Order level.
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest version of DRTrack, or any other version, contact Trimble MAPS Appian Customer Support at (800) 663-0626, Option 6, then Option 7; Mon - Fri from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (CST). Or send an email to [email protected].