DirectRoute 21.1
Release Date: 19 Feb 2021
In this Release:
Enhancements in This Release
Added new TerritoryPro Drive Time calculation setting option. The new TP drive time calculation uses sequential order of stops to determine nearest neighbors, versus actual distance (geography).
- Update Preferences > TerritoryPro > New TerritoryPro Est Time Calculations to select/deselect the option.
- When initializing a TP Solution and Sequence Based Drive Time Calculations is selected, Drive Time Between Stops will be calculated using the new sequenced based calculation.
Issues Resolved in This Release
- Resolved Stop Time and Layover calculation error that occurred after initialization.
- Modified UI to increase speed of DR actions and reduce crashes when using large data sets.
- Corrected issue resulting in Time Zone user fields not exporting in the proper time format when using the UPL File.
- Fixed issue preventing TBLDRSOLSUMSTATS from populating with subsequent updates/uploads on existing routes.
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest release or any other version, please contact Trimble MAPS Customer Support, US (toll free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 2, then Option 8); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm CST.
Note: DirectRoute map data relies on an active internet connection to retrieve current map data provided by PC*MILER Web Services. Please ensure you have external internet access to the sites listed below and contact your IT Dept if you need help with your internet connection or permissions.