DirectRoute 21.2

Release Date: 30 Jun 2021

In this Release:

Enhancements in This Release

Added new Sync Route Book behavior to the 'Sync Route Book' button in the Route Book side menu. When the button is selected (turned on) and the routing solution is saved and closed, DirectRoute will save the setting and select it by default the next time the solution is opened. 

Added new icons/extended actions to the File menu (File>New) to save time and reduce the number of steps necessary to perform frequent or daily actions. Select any of the new icons for Route, Stop, Truck, or Distance File to create or open a file. If Route is selected, additional icons/options are available to select (Regular, Priority Routing, Selective Routing, or Algorithm API.)

Added a new 'hot' button to save time and steps after changes are made to a solution. Select File>Save and Reload to close all files (Route Book, Stop, Truck, and Distance) and re-initialize the solution; DirectRoute will reopen the re-initialized solution and all changes that were made will be reflected. (Also available in TerritoryPro.)

Updated the Google Geocode fallback options in File>Preferences>Geocode Options>Fallback to secondary geocoding after to reflect newer georesults. 

  • Old: Always, Never, Level 1, and Level 2 
  • New: Always, Never, Exact, Good, Uncertain, Zip, and Failed

Modified the Add New Day function (TerritoryPro>Add New Day). When adding a new day to a current solution, you can choose any number listed in the New Day drop-down box or you can now type any number, including a non-sequential number.

Added additional functionality to TerritoryPro>Select Day Color. Besides changing color selection for existing days, you can now also add a new day from the Day colors box. Select the 'Add Day' button and type any number, including a non-sequential number.

Issues Resolved in This Release

  • Corrected the Drawing Tools shortcuts for Undo and Redo (Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+W)
  • Fixed the Drawing File Conversion Utility to ensure .txt files with multiple territories are converted properly
  • Fixed the Save function to ensure Drawing Files can be saved after solving for territories (TerritoryPro)   
  • Corrected the DRTrack response for violated routes sent by DirectRoute to DRTrack upon receipt of a request to build routes (using the Build Route function from the Route Board)

Updating to a New Version

If you are interested in updating to this newest release or any other version, please contact Trimble MAPS Customer Support, US (toll free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 2, then Option 8); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm CST.

Note:  DirectRoute map data relies on an active internet connection to retrieve current map data provided by PC*MILER Web Services. Please ensure you have external internet access to the sites listed below and contact your IT Dept if you need help with your internet connection or permissions.