DirectRoute 21.3
Release Date: 19 Nov 2021
In this Release:
Enhancements in This Release
Modified DR Web Service code to ensure time windows are not modified/ or added based on dispatch date.
With this change, the dispatch date can be any day of the week and does not require that day of the week to be included in the delivery time windows.
Modified DR Web Service to prevent original Distance File from being deleted after routing.
The service previously required a copy of the Distance File to be used since the file would be deleted after routing. With this change, copies no longer need to be produced or used.
Issues Resolved in This Release
- Corrected issue causing negative stop times on re-dispatched routes with unconsolidated stops.
- Fixed the F9 Route Book function key to ensure that edited fields in the Stop/Truck Files are updated and saved correctly when F9 is used after editing.
- Modified the Drawing File size limits to allow use of larger files without issue.
- Corrected issue in which the web service was only looking to empty trucks/routes to load any unloaded orders and would return a ‘TruckNotAvailable’ violation if it could not find any. It should now look to all trucks/routes (with stops already loaded) and issue an appropriate violation (Capacity, Time Window, MaxWorkTime, etc.) if it cannot load.
- Adjusted Selective Routing > View by Line Item to ensure the values for all line items are displayed properly.
- Corrected issue causing Out of Memory and/or long process times when generating Matrix Distance File.
- Repaired Geocode options setting in Preferences to ensure selections are applied/saved when DR is closed/reopened.
- Corrected Pre/Post Trip calculations to ensure they are completed correctly when manually adding 2nd leg to trip.
- Corrected issue calculating Route Book Pre/Post Trip that caused a second Pre/Post Trip to be added on team loads greater than 24 hrs.
- Edited Web Service request code to allow null values in aMStartField and aMEndField.
- (ResourcePro) Adjusted code to ensure adherence to MaxHours when using Team Drivers.
- (ResourcePro) Corrected issue with ResourcePro print-to-file function that omitted directions from the Terminal to the first stop (when Initialize > Get Directions was used for the solution).
- (ResourcePro) Repaired add/delete functionality when performed in the Driver/Truck/Trailer tabs.
- (ResourcePro) Repaired lasso functionality to ensure pop-up box appears and data related to lasso action can be input to complete the requested action.
- (TerritoryPro) Corrected issue preventing the stop/truck file from being saved when 'Clone Stop and Truck file while saving route file' was selected in Preferences (File > Preferences > Other).
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest release or any other version, please contact Trimble MAPS Customer Support, US (toll free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 6, then Option 7); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm CST.
Note: DirectRoute map data relies on an active internet connection to retrieve current map data provided by PC*MILER Web Services. Please ensure you have external internet access to the sites listed below and contact your IT Dept. if you need help with your internet connection or permissions.