
The name of the customer/business (stop) to be delivered.



The name of a contact at the customer stop.



Telephone number at the stop location. If the Area code is included, the software can use it for geocoding.



Primary unique identifier for the customer/stop. 

Ex:: Account#, Customer#. User defined field in Preferences > Configuration. Used in the extract files process.



Secondary unique identifier for the customer/stop. 

Ex: Store#, Stop#. User defined field in Preferences > Configuration.



Tertiary unique identifier for the customer/stop. 

Ex: Line Item, SKU. User defined field in Preferences > Configuration.



Street Address for the customer. Address, along with City, State, and Zip are used to geocode by address. Also used by Address Cleanup module.



Additional Address information. 

Ex: Suite#, building#, Door#, Dock#.



Name of the city (Address). This field can be used in conjunction with the Distance File to determine distances and drive time. Required to geocode.



2 letter state (Address) abbreviation. 

Ex: WA, CA, OR. Required to geocode.



The zip code (Address). Can be used for geocoding in conjunction with the Address field or geocoding by 5-Digit or 9-Digit Zip.



This column will be used during the geocoding process for passing country code to the mileage system. If no value is present in this column, the country code set in the Preferences will be used. The value in this column should be ISO2 or ISO3 country code format (i.e. valid country code for the US is USA/US and for Canada CAN/CA). If no address information is given in the file, DR will try to geocode the stops using City, State, and Zip.



Used to identify a required/mandatory time that all vehicles must spend at the stop (in addition to unload rate/time). Can be used to account for completing required paperwork. Input Fixed Time in minutes; may be different for each customer. 

Ex: An entry of 15 would require the truck to be at the stop for 15 minutes, in addition to the time calculated by the UnldRate. Total time at the stop will be calculated by the software by adding these two fields together. 

 Note: DR will route without this field, but in practice a Fixed Time is needed as the truck will have to stop for certain amount of time to unload (and perform other activities). Typical range is 15-45 (15 to 45 minutes). Enter number in minutes.



Size Restriction will inform the software that this is the maximum size or volume for a vehicle that may deliver to this stop. Using a size restriction will limit which truck size the customer load can be put on. 

Ex: A quantity of 20,000 would mean that the customer load could only be put on trucks with a capacity of 20,000 or less in (Volume 1 field) the Truck File.



An alphanumeric code (unlimited number of characters) used to designate special equipment or requirements for a stop (lift gate, refrigerated compartment, etc.). Corresponding Truck File field: SpEq. When EqCodes are used, the software will only load the stops on a vehicle with a matching SpEq code listed in the Truck File. 

Ex: If a stop requires a lift gate in order to complete delivery, place a code in the EqCode field that designates lift gate, and use the same code in the SpEq field on a truck in the Truck File. It is possible to combine the use of several EqCodes, but each code should be separated by a dash (i.e. AJ-BH-HH-XX). If there are no special requirements for a stop, this field should be blank. 

Note: There are also special EqCodes that can be utilized for Back Hauls, prioritizing and sequencing of stops, territory codes and exclusion codes. 



The volume to be delivered; user defined field (Preferences > Configuration) can be any quantity type (weight, cube, pallets, cases, etc.). If no volume type is entered, the software will load all stops on one route, or until it reaches the maximum stops per route, as defined by the user. The capacity fields in the Truck File correspond to the volume fields in the Stop File. 

Ex: Volume used is Cases; the column heading appears in the Stop File as Cases. Capacity 1 column heading in the Truck File will also appear as Cases. 

Note: Must be at least one (1) volume field in use, even if left blank.


UnldRate (UnldVol1)

Identifies the amount of time it takes to unload Volume1 value, in hrs. 

Ex: Volume1 = Cases. The field appears in the Stop File as UnldCases. it takes one hour to unload 1000 cases. A truck that carries 2000 cases would have an unload rate of 2 (2000 ÷ 1000/per hr.). The UnldRate time is added to the Fixed Time. The UnldRate heading will mirror the volume name defined in the Preferences > Configuration > Volumes (Weight = UnldWeight, Cases = UnldCases).



TRUE or FALSE. When this option is set to TRUE, a vehicle must reach the stop, deliver, and complete unloading before the Time Window closes (including Fixed Time plus UnldRate). 



A percentage adjustment to the drive time. Default is 100 = normal rate of speed. An increase to the drive time will lower speed; a decrease to drive time will increase speed. Zone is hard coded to eight miles. 

Ex: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30mile radius from the customer. 

Ex (Truck File): A value of 110 would increase the drive time by 10%, hence lowering the speed by 10%. A value of 90 would decrease drive time by 10%, increasing speed by 10%. The speed adjustment is only applied to the first 8 miles of each route segment (from Depot). 

Ex (Stop File): If all customers in downtown Chicago have a value of 110 in this field, the software will increase drive time for the stops in downtown Chicago (within the 8 mile radius), while lowering the speed of travel.



Set AM start time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter traffic.



Set AM end time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter traffic.



Set drive time adjustment for AMStart and AMEnd. AM/PM Adjust works the same as Zone; increase the number (110) to increase the drive time by 10 percent. In turn the speed is decreased by 10 percent. The radius is based on the rush hour distance setting (Preferences > Routing > General). Zone is hard coded to eight miles, while AM/PM Adjust is based on the rush hour distance. 

Ex: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30mile radius from the customer.



Set PMStart to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter traffic.



Set PMEnd to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter traffic.



Set drive time adjustment for PMStart and PMEnd. See AMAdj for additional info.



Earliest time of day delivery can be made. Using Military Time format (0000-2400), delivery time windows are entered in the Open1 and Close1 fields. Multiple Time Windows can be established (up to ten), and are defined as Open1, Close1, Pattern1; Open2, Close2, Pattern2; Open3, Close3, Pattern3 and so forth. 

Ex: Customer can receive deliveries between 800 and 1130 on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. This corresponds to Open1=0800, Close1=1130, and Pattern1=SWA.



Latest time a delivery can be made. See Open1 for additional info.



Days of the week when the customer will accept deliveries. Time Windows are entered as patterns of opening and closing times and days of the week (SMTWRFA) that define when the customer will accept deliveries. 

Ex: Customer can receive deliveries between 800 and 1130 on Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday. This corresponds to Open1=0800, Close1=1130, and Pattern1=SWA. S=Sunday, M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, A=Saturday



(MM/DD/YY). May be used to ensure that a stop is not serviced before a specific date, or when used in combination with LatestDate, used to ensure the stop is delivered within a specific time window, and can allow multi-day/week deliveries based on date versus time window only. If this column is blank, it will be ignored.



(MM/DD/YY) Used in conjunction with EarliestDate; determines the latest the date that the stop may be serviced. May be the same date as EarliestDate if there is only one day in which the stop may be serviced. If this column is blank it will be ignored.



Used to activate the Soft TimeWindows function within the software, allowing stops to be loaded before the hard time window. A penalty cost is counted against the uses of the buffers. 

Note: EarlyBuffers and LateBuffers are used to expand time windows.



Used to activate the Soft Time Windows function within the software. allowing stops to be loaded after the hard time windows. A penalty cost is counted against the use of the buffers. 

Note: EarlyBuffers and LateBuffers are used to expand time windows.



Used in conjunction with the EarlyBuffer and LateBuffer, is used to calculate and apply a penalty cost to stops that use the buffers. During the Optimization process, the software will try to move a stop with a penalty cost to another route to eliminate the penalty (calculated per hour). Enter dollar amount per hour.



Max number of splits allowed for a stop



Route Number will be populated when the Stop File is routed. If there is already a value in this field, the software will automatically place the stop on this route. When Redispatching is used, the entry may have two numbers, separated by a comma. 

Ex: 3, 1. The first will denote the Route Number, and the second will be the Leg Number on that route. 

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The Destination Route#, populated by the system during the shipment building phase. (Rt1 will be OriginRt #)

System defined


Sequence Number (the order of loading on the route) will be populated by the software during the routing process and refers to the order of the stop on the route. If there’s already a value in the field, the system will automatically place the stop in this sequence 

Ex: If the value is 3, indicates the customer is the third stop on the route.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The Destination Sequence#, populated by the system during the shipment building phase. (Seq1 will be the OriginSeq#)

System defined


Used with the Priority Routing Tool, to apply and adjust appropriate weight factors for prioritization during the routing process. 

Any number (1– 9999)


Coordinates that define where a customer is located. Geocoding is the process used to identify these coordinates.

System Defined


See Longitude.

System Defined


Error description, if any, assigned by system when the record is geocoded.

System Defined


Results received when the geocode process concludes. Indicates level of accuracy match to the address. 

Level 1–An exact match was made; for street addresses, trust is 95% or greater AND if address is outside the range listed in the database, the top match is within 100 address units of input address; OR for any other match level if there are multiple matches they are all within 1 air mile of each other. 

Ex: “100 Main Street” was input; best match in database is “150-250 Main Street”. 

Level 2–Inexact match but unique result (i.e. there is only one match).For street addresses, trust is 85% or greater AND if address is outside the range listed in the database, the top match is within 500 address units of input address*; OR for any other match level if there are multiple matches they are all within .5 air miles of each other. 

Ex: “100 Main Street” was input and the best match in the database is “450-550 Main Street”. 

Level 0–Inexact match and there is more than one match in the database. For street addresses, trust is 50% or greater. Z1–Zip5 match. Z3–ZIP9 match. 

No results found–Record not geocoded (results column blank).

System Defined


Specifies the symbol used to represent a stop when displayed on the map (Stop File is open). Symbols are chosen in the Stop File; double click on the Symbol column/field to open the dialog box; make the selection, then select the OK button.



Specifies size of the symbol to be displayed on the map. Default is 8.



Specifies the color of the chosen symbol. Select colors in the same fashion/at the same time as selecting symbols.



TRUE or FALSE; displays the selected stop on the map. This field is not used when routing but is useful for performing various operations when editing and modifying routes.


MinDaysBetween Deliveries

(SchedulePro) The minimum number of days required between deliveries to the customer. 

Ex: A customer requires deliveries to occur no more than once a week, then input 7 (number of days) in MinDaysBetweenDeliveries column.


MaxDaysBetween Deliveries

(SchedulePro) The max number of days allowed between deliveries. 

Ex: If a customer requires deliveries at least every two weeks, then input 14 (14 days) in the column.



(SchedulePro/TerritoryPro) Number of times a stop is serviced during a schedule period. Enter the number conversion for the frequency pattern.
1 = 1x a week
2 = 2x a week
3 = 3x a week
5 = 5x a week (daily, weekdays)
0.5 = 1x every 2 weeks (14 day cycle)
0.33 = 1x every 3 weeks (21 day cycle)
0.25 = 1x every 4 weeks (28 day cycle)
 0.125 = 1x every 8 weeks (56 day cycle)



(SchedulePro/TerritoryPro) Calculated value of Distance File fields (FromDrvTm/ToDist/NumStops), Frequency, and Cycle; populated automatically when Territories are built.

System Defined


(TerritoryPro) Day of the week that a Territory is to be serviced; if a Territory covers five days, then five days may be created to reflect each day’s routes.



(TerritoryPro) Original Day. The previous Day the territory was assigned for service, if included in the data file; leave blank if not used.



(TerritoryPro) Name or Number designation of the Territory. When the Territories are built, TerritoryPro will assign the Territory designation based on the TrkID field in the Truck File.



(TerritoryPro) Original territory. Used to list previous Territory designations, if included in the data file; leave blank if not used.



(TerritoryPro) TRUE or FALSE. Indicates if column Territory should be locked to editing; if existing Territories are in the file, it can be locked so as not to overwrite what was designated. If not populated, TerritoryPro will return a value of FALSE when Territories are built.



(SchedulePro/TerritoryPro) The sum of StemTm, DrvBtwnStop, and ServTm; populated automatically when Territories are built.

System Defined


(SchedulePro/TerritoryPro) Calculated sum of FixedTime, UnldRate, Frequency, Cycle; populated automatically when Territories are built.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) Designates if a shipment should be routed using a pre-designated mode (TL, LTL, etc.).



Cost added as a drop charge for each shipment; input in File > Preferences > Routing > General (DropCount)




(Transportation Modeler) Minimum charge applied for shipment by Truckload; populated by the Rate Orders function

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The rate used for Team Drivers, if used in the Rate File.



(Transportation Modeler) The minimum charge for Team Drivers on Truckload shipments when used in the Rate File.



(Transportation Modeler) The Truckload rate per mile (ex. $2.5/mile is input as 2.5); populated by the Rate Orders function.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) Cost per pound to ship via LTL; populated by the Rate Orders function.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The distance in miles between the Origin and Destination points; populated by the Rate Orders function.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The ID assigned to the shipment (automatically) during the Shipment Solution building phase.

System Defined


(Transportation Modeler) The origin point ID. 



(Transportation Modeler) The Destination point ID. 
