You may already have an Account Master File (spreadsheet or database file) that contains customer data information that is used regularly in a Stop File. If it is not already in a worksheet (.xls) or ASCII (.csv) format, it will need to be converted by importing the data into a spreadsheet, or by using the Extract process in DirectRoute. 


You can use the Master File exactly as the name implies; as a Master File in which information is copied to input into a daily Stop File or you can use the Master File as your daily Stop File. It all depends on your business needs, whether your daily orders from each customer are always the same, or always different. In the following sections, we will run through three different methods for creating this file.

Tip: The ASCII format can be fixed length delimited or comma delimited.



Regardless of the method used to create the Account Master File, it should generally contain the data columns listed here; each item listed is either required or recommended for use in the Stop File. 

  • Name: Name of the customer; DirectRoute will add as new if not already in the file (Recommended).
  • Contact: Customer contact (name) at delivery location (Recommended).
  • Phone: The telephone number at the delivery location; can be used to geocode the record location (Recommended).
  • ID1: A unique primary identifier, ex: Account Number (Required). 
  • ID2: A secondary unique identifier, ex: Store#, Stop#, etc. (Recommended).
  • ID3: A tertiary unique identifier, ex: Line item, SKU, etc. (Recommended).
  • Qty1: Measured volume quantity of an order, as set/selected in Routing Preferences. (File > Preferences > Configuration > Volumes) (Required). 
  • Address: Street address for the customer (Recommended). 
  • Address2: Additional address information, ex: Suite #, building#, etc. (Recommended).
  • City; Name of the city (can be used by DirectRoute to determine distances/drive times) (Recommended).
  • State: Two-letter abbreviation for the state, ex: CA, AZ, NM, etc. (Recommended).
  • Zip: The zip code (Recommended).
  • User Fields: Any additional fields (optional, up to 20); create/select the fields in Routing Preferences (File > Preferences > Configuration > Stop User Fields). This is the recommended method.
  • Latitude: The GPS coordinates for the latitude of the delivery location (Required).
  • Longitude: The GPS coordinates for the longitude of the delivery location (Required).


Note: DirectRoute can use an Address, City, State, Zip, or Phone Number to geocode the stop locations for each record in the Stop File. If Geocoding is to be used, at least one or more of these fields are required to be used.