The Truck File is a spreadsheet that contains all the information about the fleet that will be used to make deliveries. Each row in the file represents a truck on which the stops can be loaded.
The Volume Allocation version of SchedulePro requires one truck per driver per day, or one truck per day which references the total capacity for all trucks on that given day. These must be single-day trucks, each dispatching and returning on the same Edate and Ldate. SchedulePro’s Volume Allocation algorithm does not understand overnight vehicles or vehicles that could start before midnight on the previous day, such as a dispatch of 2300 on Sunday for a route that makes its deliveries on Monday. If these two types of trucks are required (vehicles that can perform overnight routes or vehicles that must dispatch before midnight of the previous day), a different truck file must be used for Route creation and Sequencing in DirectRoute once you complete the scheduling portion of the SchedulePro project.
If you already have a Truck File or a spreadsheet with vehicle and depot information (such as one that might have been used in TerritoryPro), it can be used in the SchedulePro project provided it contains the required data columns. If you do not already have a Truck File, a new one can be created that will automatically populate the necessary header columns and allow manual input of all customer data. Use the SchedulePro Truck File Fields Table to assist in completing the required columns. Additional optional data fields can also be included if needed (ref. Truck File Fields and Descriptions Table).