For a sample Truck File, see About Route Files.

TrkIDTruck ID entry may be a number, truck name, driver name or what is of most importance to the user (DirectRoute identifier)yes
LoadIDLoadID entry may be a number, truck name, driver name or what is of most importance to the user (DRTrack identifier)no
TerritoryTerritory entry may be a number, truck name, driver name or any reference to a geographic grouping of stops (req'd for TerritoryPro)no
AvailableThis must be set to TRUE in order to make the vehicle available for DirectRoute to use in the routing solution.yes
OneWaySet to TRUE for vehicle which will routed out, but not return to the depot. Set to FALSE if the vehicle will return to the depot upon completion of the
RedispatchSet to TRUE if vehicle will be sent back out, on another leg of the same route, if time remains in the workday. Set to FALSE if Redispatching is not
MinTmMinimum Time is used with Redispatching. This reflects the amount of time (hours) that must remain in a workday upon return to the depot, in order to redispatch the
TurnTmTurn Time is used with Redispatching. The amount of time (minutes) it takes to reload or any required time at the depot, between routes, before
SpEqSpecial Equipment Codes, along with Equipment Codes in the Stop File, are alphanumeric, used to identify special considerations for the
Volume 1 (Cube)The maximum volume/quantity that a vehicle may carry. This is a user defined field in Preferences/Configuration/Volumes settings, and can be any quantity type (i.e. weight, cases, units, pallets, cubes, etc.). Should be the same as the Volume1 type used in the Stop File, to determine when the vehicle is full.yes
Volume 2 (Weight)The maximum volume/quantity that a vehicle may carry. This is a user defined field in Preferences/Configuration/Volumes settings, and can be any quantity type (i.e. weight, cases, units, pallets, cubes, etc.). Should be the same as the Volume1 type used in the Stop File, to determine when the vehicle is
UnldPerf%Unload Performance regulates changes to the Unload Rate. When a value is entered into this field, the unload rate will either increase or decrease. 100% is the default value. An increase to 110 will increase the Unload Rate by 10% (shorter time to unload). A decrease to 90 will decrease in the Unload Rate by 10% (increase the time to unload).no
MiCostMileage Cost is estimated cost per mile to operate this vehicle and is typically considered the variable component, such as fuel or non-preventative maintenanceyes
HrCostHourly Cost is the estimated hourly cost of the driver for this vehicle. yes
OTCost1Overtime Costs is the cost per hour added if the time to complete the route exceeds the time set for
OTCost2Overtime Costs is the cost per hour added if the time to complete the route exceeds the time set for
OTCost3Overtime Costs is the cost per hour added if the time to complete the route exceeds the time set for
OTCost4Overtime Costs is the cost per hour added if the time to complete the route exceeds the time set for
OTHrs1The level at which overtime hours are calculated and works in conjunction with OTCost1. Example: OTHrs1 = 2 (pays in 2hr increments) and OTCost1 = 5, then the cost for the first two hours of overtime is $
OTHrs2The level at which overtime hours are calculated and works in conjunction with OTCost1. Example: OTHrs1 = 2 (pays in 2hr increments) and OTCost1 = 5, then the cost for the first two hours of overtime is $
OTHrs3The level at which overtime hours are calculated and works in conjunction with OTCost1. Example: OTHrs1 = 2 (pays in 2hr increments) and OTCost1 = 5, then the cost for the first two hours of overtime is $
OTHrs4The level at which overtime hours are calculated and works in conjunction with OTCost1. Example: OTHrs1 = 2 (pays in 2hr increments) and OTCost1 = 5, then the cost for the first two hours of overtime is $
UnldHrCostCost to unload per
DropCostDrop Cost is the drop cost for each stop. User input in Preference settings File/Preferences/Routing/General (Drop Count). A number in this section will add a drop cost to each stop on the
WaitHrCostThe cost per hour, if a vehicle must wait at the stop before making its
UnitCostThe cost of each unit delivered (volume).no
FixedCostCosts that do not change, such as Monthly Tractor Rental or Monthly Lease divided by 20yes
LayoverCostThe cost applied when a vehicle must layover before completing its route and returning to the
EarStartThe earliest time (Military Time) a vehicle may leave the terminal to begin a
EDateThe earliest day, from the dispatch date, a vehicle may depart. The Date of Dispatch is DAY 1. A one (1) would be entered in this field if the trucks could leave on the first day of dispatch. One day vehicles may have an Edate of 1-7, depending on which day of the Dispatch cycle they are released to proceed.yes
LatStartThe latest time (Military Time) a vehicle must be out of the
LatFinishThe latest time (Military Time) a vehicle must return to the depot. Violation of the return time will result in a Return Time
LDateThe latest date a vehicle must return to the terminal. This day is calculated from the dispatch date. A one day route may have an Edate of 1, but also an Ldate of 1, while a weekly route may have an Edate of 1 and an Ldate of 7.yes
WorkDaySets the hours in a normal work day. Overtime rates begin after the work day has been
NormalStartThe normal daily start time of the vehicle. The Load algorithm will obey this setting, but when Between Route Optimization is run, that algorithm may adjust the start time to a more cost effective
Brk1StartThe break start refers to how far into the shift/route the break should start. If driver should take a break four hours into the route, enter the number 4. Note: Up to five break fields can be
Brk1DurationThe break duration is used to establish driver break times. Times should be entered in decimal or whole number format. Example: Half-an-hour = .5, 15 minutes would be .25, etc. Entries are optional and up to five break fields (duration and start) can be
Brk2StartThe break start refers to how far into the shift/route the break should start. If driver should take a break four hours into the route, enter the number 4. Note: Up to five break fields can be
Brk2DurationThe break duration is used to establish driver break times. Times should be entered in decimal or whole number format. Example: Half-an-hour = .5, 15 minutes would be .25, etc. Entries are optional and up to five break fields (duration and start) can be
Brk3StartThe break start refers to how far into the shift/route the break should start. If driver should take a break four hours into the route, enter the number 4. Note: Up to five break fields can be
Brk3DurationThe break duration is used to establish driver break times. Times should be entered in decimal or whole number format. Example: Half-an-hour = .5, 15 minutes would be .25, etc. Entries are optional and up to five break fields (duration and start) can be
Brk4StartThe break start refers to how far into the shift/route the break should start. If driver should take a break four hours into the route, enter the number 4. Note: Up to five break fields can be
Brk4DurationThe break duration is used to establish driver break times. Times should be entered in decimal or whole number format. Example: Half-an-hour = .5, 15 minutes would be .25, etc. Entries are optional and up to five break fields (duration and start) can be
Brk5StartThe break start refers to how far into the shift/route the break should start. If driver should take a break four hours into the route, enter the number 4. Note: Up to five break fields can be
Brk5DurationThe break duration is used to establish driver break times. Times should be entered in decimal or whole number format. Example: Half-an-hour = .5, 15 minutes would be .25, etc. Entries are optional and up to five break fields (duration and start) can be
MaxWorkTmThe max time a vehicle may be out before returning to the depot.yes
TargetWrkTmThe target work time (shift) for each vehicle. The Load algorithm will obey this setting, but when Between Route Optimization is run, that algorithm may adjust the Total Work Time on each route to a more cost effective
MaxDriveTmThe maximum drive time per shift on a route before a layover is implemented.yes
MinLayoverThe minimum number of hours a vehicle can layover. Recommend 10 for single driver, 0 for team
MaxLayoverThe max number of hours a vehicle can layover. Recommend 18 for single driver, 0 for team
MaxDrvTmB4LayoverUsed by DirectRoute to determine how long a vehicle must drive before a layover can be
MaxLayoversThe maximum amount of layovers allowed per route. (i.e # of Occurances)no
LongitudeThe longitude and latitude fields are coordinates that define where the truck terminal is located. DirectRoute geocoding will create these coordinates using the supplied Address, City & State info)yes
LatitudeThe longitude and latitude fields are coordinates that define where the truck terminal is located. DirectRoute geocoding will create these coordinates using the supplied Address, City & State info)yes
Addressif Geocoding is required, we need the Address where the Depot, Terminal or Distribution Center is located.yes
CityName of the city (Address). This field can be used in conjunction with the distance file to determine distances and drive time. Required to geocode.yes
State2 letter state (Address) abbreviation.yes
ZipThe zip code (Address). Can be used for geocoding in conjunction with the Address field, or geocoding by 5-Digit or 9-Digit Zip.yes
LocationTimeZonePopulated by DirectRoute during the Geocoding process if set to true in Preferences > Geocode Optionsno
ZoneA percentage adjustment to the drive time. Default is 100 = normal rate of speed. An increase to the drive time will lower speed; a decrease to drive time will increase speed. Example: A value of 110 would increase the drive time by 10%, hence lowering the speed by 10%. A value of 90 would decrease drive time by 10%, increasing speed by 10%. The speed adjustment is only applied to the first 8 miles of each route segment (from Depot). Example: If all customers in downtown Chicago have a value of 110 in this field, DirectRoute will increase drive time for the stops in downtown Chicago (within the 8 mile radius), while lowering the speed of
SymbolSpecifies the symbol that represents the stop, displayed on the map when the Stop File is open. Symbols are chosen while in the Stop File; DOUBLE CLICK on the column/field to open the dialog box; make your selection and LEFT CLICK on
SizeSpecifies the size of the symbol to be displayed on the map. Default size is
ColorSpecifies the color of the chosen symbol. Select colors in the same fashion/at the same time as selecting
PreTripUsed in accordance with DOT rules; time (minutes) added to the start of each
PostTripUsed in accordance with DOT rules; time (minutes) added to the end of each
DeviceIDPeopleNet device ID, if populated can be used to preassign a device to a TrkID / routeno
DriverIDDRTrack driver ID, if populated can be used to preassign a driver to a TrkID / routeno
AMStartSet AM start time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter
AMEndSet AM end time to adjust speed to account for heavier/lighter
AMAdjSet drive time adjustment for AMStart and AMEnd. AM/PM Adjust works the same as Zone; increase the number (110) to increase the drive time by 10 percent. In turn the speed is decreased by 10 percent. The radius is based on the rush hour distance setting in the Preferences. Zone is hard coded to eight miles, while AM/PM Adjust is based on the rush hour distance. Example: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30 mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30 mile radius from the
PMStartSet PMStart to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter
PMEndSet PMEnd to adjust speed to account for heavier or lighter
PMAdjSet drive time adjustment for PMStart and PMEnd. See AMAdj for additional info. Note: AM/PM Adjust works the same as zone; increase the number (110) to increase the drive time by 10 percent. In turn the speed is decreased by 10 percent. The radius is based on the rush hour distance setting in the Preferences. Zone is hard coded to eight miles, while AM/PM Adjust is based on the rush hour distance.  Example: If rush hour distance is set to 30 miles, it will apply to the truck for a 30 mile radius from the depot. If it is set on the customer in the Stop File, it will be a 30 mile radius from the
CountryBlank assumes USA, need to input 3 digit Country Code if using outside of USA (Ex. CAN or MEX)no