Rulesets are a collection of rules that govern when the dropdown menu should trigger messages being sent. When order statuses change and they meet certain conditions or rules, the system sends the messages.

Account rulesets

When you first log in, you’ll see no rulesets listed. After you set up a default ruleset and begin using the service, each account imported into the dropdown menu will have a ruleset listed. You can sort or search for a particular account ruleset and can edit individual account rulesets. Any changes to the default ruleset will automatically be applied to every account that has inherited the default ruleset and has not been changed.

Adding Conditions

Before setting up the Default ruleset, you must add a list of conditions to the system. Conditions are user-friendly aliases for common values within the system.


Navigate to the Configuration Menu with the gear icon and select the conditions screen. Once there, select the Edit Custom Values icon next to the Order Status section. Even if you don’t plan on using all of the conditions to create rulesets, you’ll want to add all order statuses to this list.


There are two parts to the conditions, the name and the value. Add the name, value, and click Add. Once the list is complete, click Update to save.


CCM Ruleset Conditions Table



Order Scheduled


Order Shipped/Driver Out For Delivery


Order Scheduled On Route Outside of Time Window


Customer Up Next


Order Rescheduled


Order Removed From Route


Order Delivered



Not all rulesets available are required, customers can pick the ones most applicable to their business and goals. Some customers might want notifications only to trigger when orders are delivered, others might want messages sent when an order is out for delivery when it’s running early or late, or various other combinations. 

Creating Default Ruleset

The rules (and message templates discussed later) for this Default ruleset will automatically be applied to every account that is imported into the CCM Portal from DRTrack. Specific account-level rulesets can be changed, but will initially inherit the properties of the Default.


To begin, click Create New Ruleset:


Type DEFAULT (in all capital letters) in the ruleset name and description. This description should be set to something like “Do Not Delete,” as deletion of the default ruleset will interfere with all accounts (existing and new) that have inherited the default profile ruleset. The subsequent rulesets created automatically will be named after the account name on the orders that are imported into the dropdown menu.


NOTE: If the ruleset is not called DEFAULT, the sync between DRTrack and CCM will fail.




Click the RULES tab to view rules and templates. The Rules screen shows a list of all rules configured for a ruleset and a section for creating new rules.


The rule configuration consists of several parts:

  • Rule Name: Name of the actual rule.
  • Rule Description: Description of the rule.
  • Email Template: Which email template should be used by the rule.
  • SMS Template: Which SMS template should be used by the rule.
  • Defined Condition: Select which list of conditions should be used for the rule.
  • Operator: Tells the system how to evaluate the rule.
  • Value: list of conditions that the order status should be compared to. These values are listed in the CCM Rulesets Configuration Table.
  • Only Trigger Once: no matter how often the order status is met, this setting will let the dropdown menu know only to send the message once. For example, if an order is running late and the ETA progressively gets worse, a new message will not be generated each time the ETA changes.


To configure a rule:

  1. Fill in the rule name and description using the information in the chart below. 
  2. Select the email and/or SMS template you want to use for the message.
  3. Leave the Rule Operator dropdown menu set to AND.
  4. Select Order Status from the Defined Condition dropdown menu.
  5. Select EqualsTo from the Operator dropdown menu.
  6. Select the Appropriate Condition for the rule from the dropdown menu for Values.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Save.


Using operators, very complex rules can be built. Each rule can have a “time element” added to it so that it only triggers a notification if it meets even more specific criteria. Some examples include


Order Running Ahead by 30 Minutes. In this case, three conditions need to be met:

  1. ETA still within Time Window
  2. Order Status is Out for Delivery
  3. ETA Before Planned by 30 minutes. 



Other Rules and Conditions Table

Rule Name

Rule Description

Condition(s) to Select in Value dropdown menu

Order Scheduled

Order has been Scheduled by the shipper

Order Scheduled

Order Shipped/Driver Out for Delivery

Order is currently out for delivery 

Order Shipped/Driver Out for Delivery

Order Scheduled on a Route outside of TimeWindows

Order has been scheduled at a time that falls outside the TimeWindows

Rule Operator: And


Defined Condition 1: Order Scheduled


Defined Condition 2: ETA Outside SLA

Customer Up Next

The Customer is the next stop on the Route

Customer Up Next

Order Rescheduled

Order Has been Rescheduled and the planned times have changed

Order Rescheduled

Order Removed From Route

The order has been taken off of the planned route and has not been rescheduled on another route

Order Removed From Route

Order Delivered

Order has been delivered 

Order Delivered

Driver Running Behind, no SLA Violation

Driver is currently running behind scheduled and ETA is within TW's


Order Status: Out for Delivery


ETA Within SLA


ETA After Planned > X


Driver Running Behind, SLA Violation

Driver Running Behind and puts the ETA outside of the TW's


Order Status: Out for Delivery


ETA Outside SLA


ETA After Planned > X

Driver Running Ahead, No SLA Violation

Driver is running ahead of scheduled and ETA is within the TW's


Order Status: Out for Delivery


ETA Within SLA


ETA Before Planned Planned > X

Driver Running Ahead, SLA Violation

Driver is currently running ahead of scheduled and the ETA is Outside of the TW's


Order Status: Out for Delivery


ETA Outside SLA


ETA Before Planned > X


Names and descriptions do not have to match the chart exactly, but should be named something easy to understand. 

Creating Messaging Templates

Message templates, E-mail, and SMS, allow companies to tailor the messages being sent to their end customers. Depending on the medium, the templates can include pictures, links, and special formatting so the dropdown menu customers can drive brand recognition and provide the maximum value possible. 


Once you create a template for SMS or email, it can be applied to any rule inside any ruleset. This means, that in theory, you can create special templates for each customer if they wish. 


To create a template, click on an existing ruleset or create a new ruleset as described above. Select the notification template menu to see the template editor. On the left-hand side will be a list of all templates currently being used in the ruleset.

  • Type in a template name that matches a condition from the condition list and a description of that template. The name/description should also indicate if it’s for SMS or e-mail.
  • Set your time format. For US customers, it should be set as hh:mm:tt.
  • Set your date format. For US customers, it should be set as MM/dd/yyyy.
  • Type in a Subject Name for the messages that are being generated. Subjects are only used for Emails and not SMS:
    • Dynamic order data like order numbers can automatically be added to sections of the message, including the subject. To include these, just type in the text you wish and then these fields for different order data. For example: {{receiver.firstName}}, Your Order(s) {{order.content}} have been delivered.
    • The following fields can be used to represent dynamic data in the subject line or body of the message:
      • {{order.content}}: represents a comma separated list of order numbers.
      • {{order.externalId}}: represents a single order number, but provides the GUID, not the actual Order Number.
      • {{receiver.firstName}}: represents the first name provided as the contact information via the user field on the order.
      • {{receiver.lastName}}: represents the last name provided as the contact information via the user field on the order.
      • {{receiver.firstName}} {{receiver.lastName}}: represents the full name provided as the contact information via the user field on the order.
      • {{}}: represents the email address provided as the contact information via the user field on the order.
      • {{}}: represents the phone number provided as the contact information via the user field on the order.
      • {{}}: represents the name of the account for the order.
      • {{order.address.streetAddress}}: represents the shipping address for the order.
      • {{order.address.postalCode}}: represents the zip code for the order.
      • {{}}: represents the city on the order.
      • {{order.address.state}}: represents the state on the order.
      • {{time order.eta}}: represents the time of the ETA for the order.
      • {{date order.eta}}: represents the date of the ETA for the order.
      • {{time order.sla.startTime}}: represents the time window open time.
      • {{date order.sla.startTime}}: represents the time window open date.
      • {{time order.sla.endTime}}: represents the time window close time.
      • {{date order.sla.endTime}}: represents the time window close date.
      • {{order.status}}: shows the current order status.
      • {{customerPortalUrl}}: contains the link to the tracking portal.
  • Type in the body of the message:
    • This can be plain text, plain text with dynamic content from above OR can benefit from rich HTML for heavy formatting including hyperlinks, images, or other stylistic choices.
    • Currently, there is no drag-and-drop formatting, but there are plenty of free HTML editors with previews available online including:
      • To use this - create your body on the right-hand side of the screen using their drag-and-drop editor and the HTML is generated automatically on the left. Copy the HTML into the dropdown menu.
    • After creating the body, click Update Template and the work is complete.
    • To see a preview of the message in an SMS or HTML in the actual medium, the best method is to navigate to the configuration menu and use the Send Test Email and Send Test SMS functionality. Copy the message body and subject into the text box and send an email or text to a recipient of your choosing to ensure it meets expectations.

NOTE: SMS messages should be limited to 160 characters or they are broken into segments and the end recipients will receive multiple text messages (1/N, 2/N, etc).



NOTE: The date format should be capitalized in the notification template editor. MM/DD/YYYY will provide the appropriate ETA. mm/dd/yyyy will display the minute of the ETA, rather than the month of the ETA.