DirectRoute 23.1 Release Highlights
DirectRoute 23.1 General Release should now be available to all customers on Client Center.
New Features
Max Empty Miles: Either of the parameters, Private Fleet Max Empty Miles or Empty Miles Percent, are violated or would be violated by a specific routing action.
Prevent Loading Pickup After Delivery On TL Routes: For TL assets, a second shipment was placed on a route that was intended to be one-way.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where blank rows were found in the distance file after using Matrix mode.
Fixed an issue where Invalid Work Time Violations for team trucks were found in the route book.
Fixed an issue where DirectRoute would crash while trying to use Undo on a drawn polyline shape on the map.
Fixed an issue where unloaded stops were not showing on the map or in the route book.
Fixed "Out of Memory" errors when generating distance files using Pair mode.
Fixed an issue where a custom tooltip persists and does not vanish from the map.
Fixed an issue where clicking Save on the toolbar, prompts to Save As, when working with a Distance file.
Fixed an issue where an Unhandled Exception occurs in Priority Routing when using refuel points in the Routing dialog.
Fixed an Unhandled Exception that occurs when having many shapes to Undo while drawing.
Fixed an issue with the drawing tool where shape dimension details were not displaying in the footer of the map.
Adjusted where the U.S. map centers by pressing CTRL+U.
Route line segments can now be dragged on the Map screen in the same manner as when in Drawing mode.
Fixed an issue where there was an incorrect amount of drivers, trucks, and trailers shown when using the View Overlap menu option.
Fixed an issue where "Insert Row above" was not working for an empty driver, truck, or trailer.
Added trailer number and overlap details to the hover-over tooltip on the Trailer tab.
Added the ability to show overlap for trailers by right-clicking.
Fixed an issue where summary totals were missing from the Summary tab while previously-solved projects were open.
Termination radius violations are now being calculated correctly during Load.
Fixed an issue where shipment info fields were not available as favorites, and position arrow edits were not available.
Fixed an issue where load processes were creating MaxEmptyMiles violations.
Fixed an issue where empty leg segments can be dragged on the map screen similar to drawing mode.
Fixed an issue where the map showed TL & LTL routes are driving across the ocean from lat 0.00 / long 0.00.
Fixed an issue where Between Route Optimization caused Violations and raised the cost of the solution.
Updated the icon found in various dialog and event boxes.
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest release or have questions for our team, contact Trimble Maps Customer Support via our Customer Portal, or call (US toll-free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 6, then Option 7); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Central Time.