All three scheduled time blocks, Reservation, Driver PTO, and Vehicle Maintenance, are created the same way in Resource Calendar. By selecting a start time on the Route Calendar and dragging to the desired end time, a blue box will appear over the selected area; right-clicking inside of the box will bring up two options depending on what tab you are viewing. If viewing the Vehicle tab the options will be “Create Reservation” or “Schedule Maintenance.” If viewing in the Driver tab the options for maintenance will be replaced with “Manage PTO Periods.”


You can create, edit and delete reservations for a vehicle or driver inside of Resource Calendar’s Route Calendar, which also syncs with DRTrack. Reservations will not interfere with routes that are built at the same time, meaning Schedule Conflict violation will not occur on overlapping routes.

To create a reservation, drag at the start of the reservation time. This will create a time block on the calendar, highlighted in blue.

Right-click the newly-created time block and click Create Reservation. This will show the Create Reservation menu. You can add notes, change the start/end time, or change the asset or driver involved with the reservation.

To edit an existing reservation, right-click the reservation block and click Edit.

To delete an existing reservation, right-click the reservation block and click Delete.

You can drag reservation blocks to assets to assign them to a truck or driver. Doing so will update the driver, asset, and appropriate time fields accordingly. To undo any accidental reservation by dragging, either click Undo/Redo from the status bar at the bottom of the screen, or click Undo from the Toast message.

Driver PTO

To create a driver PTO block, drag at the start of the reservation time. This will create a time block on the calendar, highlighted in blue. Right-click the newly-created time block and click Manage PTO Periods. The Manage PTO Periods pop-up allowed you to create, edit, and delete driver PTO. You can also see the PTO log for a driver’s past and future PTO blocks. This feature allows you to accurately assign routes to drivers who are available to work.


To edit PTO periods, right-click the PTO block and click Edit

To delete a PTO period, right-click the PTO block and click Delete.

Vehicle Maintenance

The Schedule Vehicle Maintenance pop-up box works much like the driver PTO block. 

To create an asset maintenance period, drag at the start of the reservation time. This will create a time block on the calendar, highlighted in blue. Right-click the blue block and click Scheduled Maintenance.

The Schedule Vehicle Maintenance pop-up box allows you to create, edit and delete vehicle maintenance periods. You can also see the previously scheduled maintenance periods for the asset. 

There is also a maintenance log for a vehicle's past and future maintenance blocks. Using this screen, you can set up recurring maintenance schedules. The example below was originally created on a Wednesday, which lets you set up a recurring schedule for that day.

To edit maintenance periods, right-click the maintenance block and click Edit.

To delete a PTO period, right-click the maintenance block and click Delete.