All unloaded orders that are available for the selected branch and the Route Calendar date and/or Unloaded Orders date range you select will be displayed in the Unloaded Orders panel.


Card View or Grid View

Unloaded orders can be viewed as cards (by default) or in a data grid. To toggle between them, click the Hamburger icon.

Once clicked, the grid opens up into a two-pane width; this is not resizable. All of the icons at the top of the unloaded order panel work the same way as if cards were selected.

Scrolling to the right of the grid will show a configuration icon, allowing you to configure the columns displayed. Aside from the default columns, any number of user fields or volume types can be added. The configured data is retained between sessions.

The column will not resize based on the number of columns selected, you will need to scroll left and right to view all the details. 

The list is automatically paginated, but you can configure the number of records they’d like to see before having to go to the next page. 

Columns can be rearranged by “grabbing” a column header and dragging and dropping to the desired position. These column orders will be retained between sessions. 

Selecting a column header will automatically sort the data ascending and descending using the data in the column. The entire grid can also be sorted using the icon at the top of the panel. 

Just like with cards, the rows in the grid for each order can be dragged onto the Gantt chart to create new routes or add to existing routes. 

To view the line items in an order, click the arrow next to the order and it will expand showing each line item associated. 

Date Picker

You can choose to see unloaded orders not only for the dispatch date (selected by the date picker at the top of the application) but also orders in the past and in the future. By selecting the date picker at the top of the unloaded orders panel, you can move the from and to date to whatever they want and the orders for that entire date range will be displayed. This date picker defaults the earliest and latest date to the dispatch date at the top of the application.

POI Manager

The POI feature enables users to identify and save geolocations on the map in a library that can be used in the same manner as a legitimate address when assigning and routing orders in DRTrack.

The POI feature can be useful for deliveries to locations where addresses may not yet be available (i.e. new construction), deliveries to rural or unincorporated areas, or when addresses are not updated and/or correct, but the physical location is known. Customers who spend a lot of time manually geocoding many orders will find the POI feature a great time-saver.

Capabilities include:

  • Drag and drop a pin on the map and save the location as a new POI.
  • Use Long/Lat to drop a pin on the map and save the location as a new POI.
  • Assign POIs to unloaded orders from the Route Calendar/Route Board.
  • Each POI is assigned a unique name, saved in a library for reuse with any unloaded order, or any customer.
  • The POI library can be searched and sorted, and any POI can be viewed and/or edited.

Once you've located an unloaded order that needs a POI assigned, choose the Assign POI icon and the application will take you to the POI Manager page to complete the necessary actions.

Card Layout Editor

Resource Calendar provides the ability to change the information that is shown on the unloaded order cards. Each user can create and save different card configurations (layouts) and easily switch between them. In addition, you can copy and modify any saved layout, or build a new one from scratch.

By default, Resource Calendar comes with three different styles of cards; Details, Compact, and None. Each style has a different amount of default information that is shown. Each user can create different layouts which contain specific information for that user. These layouts can be displayed in Resource Calendar’s styles.

To switch between layouts, click the layout icon,  and choose your desired style and layout. You can configure new layouts for.

To create a new layout from an existing one, click the layout icon > Layout Editor, and then the New Layout button. At the bottom of the screen, select an existing layout template (if desired), give it a new name, then click the green checkmark.

Create a New Layout

After you have created the new layout, you can edit the types of information that appear on the card by using the configurator. Depending on which style you are viewing, the information that you add will appear in different locations on the card.

  • Add or remove rows on the card by using the plus and minus icons.
  • Add or remove information fields by dragging them on or off the cards.
  • Format font style and size (where applicable).
  • Edit text labels (where applicable).

Creating a Default Card

Administrative users can save cards as default cards for the entire organization. After creating a card design; you can click Save as Default, which sets them as the default style for all Resource Calendar users.

This default card will appear in the card selection dropdown with a label indicating it’s also a default.

Other Unloaded Order Functions

Multi-Select Unloaded Orders

To select multiple unloaded orders, check the box next to the order card or line (in grid view). As you select orders, the count of selected orders on the icon at the top of the unloaded orders panel increases. You can view unloaded orders only with the Only Show Selected Order icon.

Geocode Multiple Orders

Resource Calendar will notify you if an unloaded order needs to be geocoded by highlighting the unloaded order(s) in yellow. To geocode multiple unloaded orders, you select the orders you wish to geocode and then right-click inside the Unloaded Orders panel and click Geocode All. Alternatively, you can select the order you wish to geocode click the Kebab menu at the top-right of the unloaded order pane, and click Geocode All

Modifying Information

Selecting the Pencil Icon enables edit mode. Once edit mode is enabled, you will notice that two fields will open up to be editable. These fields are Fixed Time and EQ Code. These fields were chosen to be edited directly in the UI as they are the most frequently updated prior to planning. 

To update the fixed time, which is the time you expect a driver to spend at a particular stop to unload an order, select the fixed time box on the unloaded order card and type in the new value. This will not be saved until you select the pencil multi-select icon again. Data validation is in place to ensure only numeric values are typed in.

To update the EQCode field, select the EQCode box on the unloaded order card and type in the new value. This will not be saved until you select the pencil multi-select icon again. 

You can quickly enter multiple order values for each field by using the Tab key which will move you from field to field on each card. 

To change other order details, select the Kebab menu on the unloaded order card, and select Order Details. The order details menu in DRTrack will open in a new tab. 

TIP: You can also use Ctrl+Shift or Ctrl+Click to select your orders.