Depending on the telematics/mobile integration, exporting a route may be a requirement to get route plans to the drivers. Also, depending on the integration, preassignment may be a required step before exporting routes.

To export a single route, right-click on the route line and select export. Depending on the integrations available, a list will appear allowing you to select which device type to export to.

To export multiple routes, select the checkboxes to the left of each route and select the export icon at the top of the grid. The same drop-down with available integrations will be displayed allowing you to select the correct device types to export to.

You can also re-export a route that needs it through the same process. 

Export Status

Export status is displayed on the data grid via an icon to the left of the route number. The colors of the icon represent different export statuses that should be paid attention to. The status can also be understood by hovering over the export status icon. 

C:\Users\rmunda\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\88E47F5A.tmpGrey represents a route that has yet to be exported. It’s only grey if the route is unassigned.
C:\Users\rmunda\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\6E65D078.tmpOrange represents a route that is preassigned but not exported.
C:\Users\rmunda\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\DA7B2546.tmpGreen represents a route that has been exported.
C:\Users\rmunda\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\EE1A2944.tmpRed represents a route that has been previously exported and changed, so it needs to be reexported.

Exporting to Customer Communication Manager

To send notifications to customers about order status through Customer Communication Manager, select the routes on the data grid via the checkboxes and hit the Send Notifications button above the grid.