Stop Delivery Time vs Route Start Time

This configuration setting determines the route's start time behavior when routes are created via order drag and drop onto Resource Calendar.

  • When the setting is toggled on, Resource Calendar will target the drop location of orders to determine the first stop's delivery time. The route's start time will be secondary and set at an earlier time via parameters previously set.
  • When the setting is toggled off (default), Resource Calendar will set the route's start time to begin at the designated time. The first stop's delivery time will be secondary and determined via previously set parameters.

Lock Route Start Time

This configuration setting determines the locking state of a route's start time when dragging and dropping orders onto Resource Calendar for route creation.

  • When this setting is toggled on (default), newly created routes will be set to a locked state to the designated time orders were dropped onto Resource Calendar. Routes will remain locked unless manually moved to a new start time or unlocked on the Route Card. Unlocking the route will allow Resource Calendar to change the route start time for additional loaded stops or optimization.
  • When this setting is toggled off, newly created routes will be set to an unlocked state. The route's start time will be initially set to the designated time orders were dropped onto Resource Calendar but will allow the flexibility to change the route start time for route optimization as orders/stops get loaded or unloaded.
  • You still have the ability to manually lock a route's start time on the Route Card at any time.