DirectRoute 23.4 General Release is now available to all customers on Client Center.
New Features
DirectRoute: Users can now view their licensed products from the About screen (Help > About) and clicking the License tab.
DirectRoute: Added the ability to get the sum of numeric user fields.
DirectRoute: Enhanced Get Directions with additional options related to Toll usage.
DirectRoute: Added ability for users to select which version of PC*MILER to use when obtaining mileage via Get Directions.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where DirectRoute was not allowing users to select a valid route number when using the Lock Route function.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when using the Lasso tool after sorting routes in the Resource Utilization charts.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when clicking File > Preferences when viewing certain datasets.
- Adjusted the Template Tool, allowing for long user fields to be displayed without impacting functionality.
- Fixed an issue with upload file creation where the Ignore Terminal option was being ignored.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when setting Zoom values by typing.
- Fixed an issue where lock padlock images were not updating their status correctly when viewed from the Route Book.
- Fixed an issue with Get Directions and Distance File creation where the "User mileage system drive time if greater than DR drive time" option was not working as expected.
- Fixed an issue where DirectRoute was preventing from creating routes with both One-Way and Redispatch set to TRUE.
- Fixed an unhandled exception which occurred when running Get Directions after locking all routes to the map.
- Fixed an unhandled exception which occurred on the map immediately after load.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when dividing and moving stops.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when closing a Stop File with the Geocoding menu still open.
- Fixed an unhandled exception on the Solution Statistics screen with a Stop file open.
- Fixed an unhandled exception when using the Modify leg interface with non-integer values.
- Fixed an issue where when viewing multi-leg routes on the map, leg 2 and leg n are not showing as active routes.
- Fixed an issue where an unhandled exception was occurring when moving routes above Driver 1, Tractor 1, or Trailer 1.
- Fixed an issue where resource charts would be misaligned between the Rite ID and the highlighted work row.
- Fixed an issue with the new Lock Route Start Time shortcut.
- Fixed an issue where TerritoryPro was not carrying over the current Territory symbol to newly added days.
- Fixed an issue where Territory Summary totals were emptied when sorting the column and completing a manual customer move.
- Fixed an issue where users could not edit or enter values for user fields in the shipment file via the Shipment dialog box.
- Fixed an issue where an unhandled exception occurred when users would double-click an action in the Route Book with TL/LTL routes.
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest release or have questions for our team, contact Trimble Maps Customer Support, or call (US toll-free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 6, then Option 7); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Central Time.