POI Manager


To create a new POI, double-click anywhere on the map, or Right-click > New POI. The Create New Point of Interest window will open allowing you to add a name, notes, and type (commercial or residential). You can edit the latitude and longitude, or drag the map pin to make adjustments to POI placement. Upon clicking create the new POI will appear in the POI panel. The map style can be customized independently between the main page and the create/edit windows if you prefer to use something like satellite view for fine tuning.


You can search using the map search bar in the top left of the screen.


Creating a new POI


POIs can be edited at any time by clicking the pencil icon on the POI card or by clicking the Edit button from the map card.

Editing POIs


POIs can be deleted at any time by clicking the trash can icon on the POI card or by clicking the Delete button from the map card. Batch delete is also available by selecting multiple POIs and clicking the Delete button at the top of the POI panel. A confirmation popup will ask if you are sure they would like to delete the POI to prevent accidental deletion.


Deleting a POI


Bulk POI deletion