Mode Selection settings, as well as a few other key setting fields, help the software determine and calculate the most efficient mode of transportation (Private Fleet, LTL, Common Carrier, etc.) based on mode types made available. The Mode Selection Settings Table lists the various fields and descriptions to help determine the best settings for each project. These settings can be found and updated in Routing Preferences, which are accessible from the menu before beginning any new shipment project. It’s important to review these settings and make any adjustments necessary based on the type of results expected from the software.

From the main menu, click File > Preferences and review/update the following items:

  • Configuration: Add or update unique identifiers, volume types, and optional user fields.
  • File Names/Paths: Identify the path to the DirectRoute Data Folder, where the Shipment Files are maintained (Shipment File, Truck File, Rate File, etc.).
  • Mode Selection: Determines the most efficient mode of transportation based on available mode types (see the Mode Selection Settings Table for a list of fields and descriptions to help determine the best settings for each project).
  • Other: Update any/all other fields within Routing Preferences, that may be needed. 
  • Routing: Identify shipment constraints and desired software behavioral actions.

Mode Selection Settings Table




Maximum number of routes per shipment. Default value is 3

Rate File

C:\Program Files (x86)\Appian\DirectRoute\Data\RateTable

Path to location of the Rate File that should be used; normally located in the data file where the customer's Shipment File and Truck File are maintained.

Distance File

C:\Program Files (x86)\Appian\DirectRoute\Data\Distance.dist

Path to location of the Distance File that should be used; normally located in the data file where the customer's Shipment File and Truck File are maintained.

Default TLRate


Default truckload rate



Select the primary quantify field used



Select the volume field used



Qty to count (weight, cube, skids, etc.)

Security Credentials

Enter security credentials if using Rateware XL or UPS

FedEx Configuration

If using FedEx shipment modes, enter preferred service type

Wait cost in LTL shipments


Enter wait cost for LTL shipments; costs per hour

Border crossing delay


Enter any border crossing delay, in minutes

Max Allowed Work Hours in DOT Cycle


Enter the max allowed work time on a multi-day route

Team Rate Premium


Enter the dollar amount

Aggregate LTL Cost on Consolidation


If TRUE, will sum LTL cost on consolidation