Building a shipment solution is the final stage of a TM project. During the build, the software will use the selected algorithm along with the selected Load Options, available vehicles, fleets, and constraints to consider the shipments and prepare the best possible shipment solution.

To start the building process, click File > New > Mode Selection from the menu.

  1. Select the files that will be used in the project:

    1. Shipment: Select the name and location of the Shipment File.

    2. Truck: Select the file name and location of the Truck File.

    3. Distance: Select the name and location of the Distance File (Private Fleet).

    4. Boundaries: Select the name and location of the Drawing File (Private Fleet).

  2. Select the Load Options to use in the build:

    1. Dispatch Date: Enter the dispatch date, or select the Calendar icon to select the date.

    2. No Initialization: If manual loading of each shipment is preferred.

    3. Initialize: Use previously loaded Rt/Seq settings (Rt/Seq have already been identified in the Shipment File).

    4. Load: Allows the software to build routes utilizing all parameters that have been chosen/input.

    5. Init and Load: Use a Shipment File with some fixed Rts/Seqs, as well as new shipments not previously loaded.

TIP: Generally, Initialize Route for baseline/fixed routes or Load Routes to have TM utilize all input parameters.

  1. Select the Loading Algorithm to use in the build:

    1. The remote Shipment Algorithm does not use the DirectRoute algorithm; uses the parameters set within the Routing Preferences to calculate the solution.

    2. DC Centric Algorithm uses the same routing parameters as the DirectRoute routing algorithm, in addition to the ability to handle separate origin and destination stops.

  2. Select any General Options (General Options tab) that should be applied to the build and/or Shipment Files.

    1. Use Private Fleet: Select if using Private Fleet (see Private Fleet Options Tab).

    2. Consolidate LTL Shipments: Check to consolidate LTL shipments (Common Carriers).

    3. Preprocess: Applies the Preprocess parameters set in Routing Preferences.

    4. Use LIFO Constraints: Generates a solution respecting ‘last in, first out’ constraints.

    5. Allow Routing Across National Borders: Applies parameters set Routing Preferences (File > PC*MILER Direct > Route Across Borders) for routing across US borders.

  3. Select any Private Fleet Options that may need to be applied (Private Fleet Options tab).

    1. Service Radius in Miles: This field is solely used to filter shipments to be considered for Private Fleet (PF) routing. The software draws a geofence around the depot and considers only the shipments that are within the service radius; this means both origin and destination must be within the service radius. 

    2. Route Termination Radius: Used to limit the truck from going out once it enters into the radius. However, the system will attempt to load more shipments if both origin and destination locations are within the radius.

    3. Max Allowed Empty Mileage OR Percentage: Used to limit the system from building routes with more than X empty miles. The system will first build a route with X number of shipments and then look at these settings to decide if it needs to leave the route or tear it down. If it decides to tear down the route, then the system will not attempt to route the shipments on that route again. 

    4. Max Out of Route Mileage OR Percentage: The system uses these fields during the route-building process. Once the system seeds a route with a shipment, it then uses these settings to decide the next shipment.

EXAMPLE: If the Max out of Route Miles is set to 100 and the system loads a 500-mile outbound shipment on a route, it will not load any shipment that would cause the routes’ total distance to go over 1100 miles (1000 round trip miles + 100 out of route miles), thus preventing the loading of two shipments on the same lane back to back. 

  1. Select any Truck Load (TL) Options that may need to be applied (TL Options tab).

    1. Max Out of Route Mileage OR Percentage: The system uses these fields during the route-building process. Once the system seeds a route with a shipment, it then uses these settings to decide the next shipment.

EXAMPLE: If the Max out of Route Miles is set to 100 and the system loads a 500-mile outbound shipment on a route, it will not load any shipment that would cause the routes’ total distance to go over 1100 miles (1000 round trip miles + 100 out of route miles), thus preventing the loading of two shipments on the same lane back to back. 

  1. Prevent Loading Pickup After Delivery On TL Routes: Used to prevent pickup of new stops after the last delivery

  2. Min Distance for Teams: Input the minimum distance (in miles) to limit selection.

  3. Max Stops on TL Routes: Input the maximum number of unique stops to limit the selection of Truckload scheduling. 

  4. Min dollar savings to consolidate LTL: Input the minimum dollar savings that should be realized to consolidate LTL shipments.

    1. Max Distance Between Origin on TL Routes: Enter the max distance, in miles.

  5. Max Empty Miles: If either the Private Fleet Max Empty Miles or Empty Miles Percent parameters are violated or would be violated by a specific routing action.

  6. Prevent Loading PIckup After Delivery on TL Routes: For TL assets, a second shipment was placed on a route that was intended to be a one-way route.

After all options have been reviewed/selected, click OK to begin the build process.