The following violations are displayed in the Route Book Summary page, on the Route Page, and in the route info box.
- Window: Time Window violation; delivery was made outside of the times allowed for the stop.
- Drv Tm: Drive Time violation; the Drive Time as set in the Truck File has been exceeded.
- Wrk Tm: Work Time violation; the Work Time as set in the Truck File has been exceeded.
- Rtrn Tm: The total trip time (including post-trip time as defined by LateFinish) has been exceeded.
- Wt Tm: Wait Time violation; the vehicle has exceeded the time allowed to wait at a stop.
- Cap: Capacity, as set in the Truck File, has been exceeded; check File > Preferences to ensure that another Capacity field has not been entered.
- EqCode: EqCode violation; a stop has been loaded which does not meet the EqCodes for the truck.
- Seq: Sequence Code previously entered in the Stop File was not followed; check the EqCode field for Sequence Codes.