CCM allows you to import and export rules, rulesets, and templates. This process can be utilized to perform bulk edits of existing data. Three files are utilized in the process, which CCM exports as a ZIP archive:


These files can all be tied together using identifiers in each sheet. For example, the rule name can be added to the rule sheet by using the rulesetID. The template information can also be brought to the rules by using the name/description from the template sheet.



This file contains eight columns:

  • Ruleset ID: shows the rulesetID, which corresponds to a customer account in CCM and is visible in the CCM UI. There can be multiple lines with the same rulesetID if there is more than one rule for the customer. 
  • Name: shows the name of the rule
  • Description: shows the description of the rule
  • Conditions: shows each condition present in the rule. 
  • emailTemplateId: shows the key that identifies the template that is assigned. If this field is blank, then a template is not selected in the UI for this ruleset.
  • smsTempalteId: shows the key that identifies the assigned template. Note if this field is blank, then a template is not selected in the UI for this ruleset.
  • onlyTriggerOnce: TRUE/FALSE value indicating if a rule may trigger a notification more than once
  • Operator: AND/OR value that determines how rules work together for the ruleset


In this example, rulesetID (customer account) is 6516. This customer has three rules, so there are 3 lines in the sheet. These rules are:

  • Order Shipped
  • Driver Running Behind/SLA Violation
  • Order Scheduled


Order Shipped has a single condition: orderstatus = order shipped/driver out for delivery. 


There should be no rulesetIDs with no rules assigned. Blank values in any of these cells are likely an indicator of an issue with the way the rule &/or ruleset is configured and it should be reviewed in the CCM UI. The only exception may blank template IDs, which could be intentional for certain use cases.



This file contains three columns:

  • externalID: the rulesetID created by CCM.
  • Name: the human-readable name of the ruleset (Customer Account).
  • Description: the description, if different from the name.


This file can be used in conjunction with the others so that you don’t have to learn or remember the externalIDs.


This file contains ten columns:

  • Id: This is the CCM-generated identifier of the template.
  • Name: This is the human-readable name of the template.
  • Retailer: Currently unused by DRTrack, however, this field is used by other TMS software.
  • communicateEta: shows whether or not a particular template has an ETA element. This is set in the CCM UI
  • Content: shows the message that is going to be sent. If viewing in Excel, these have line breaks, so you’ll need to expand the header row to see everything. 
  • Subject: the subject line of the message being sent
  • Description: the description of the template, most of the time will mirror the name. 
  • Time/date formats show how the date and times displayed on the notifications will be displayed
  • versionID: represents if changes have been made to the template




CCM allows you to export all configured rules, rulesets, and templates. This can be done for visibility, troubleshooting, or bulk editing of existing data.


To export the data, navigate to Ruleset > Import/Export, then select the EXPORT tab.


CCM will build a list of information to export. Once generated, each ruleset and template will be displayed.

NOTE: This will take several moments, do not navigate away until the list is generated.



Click Export, then choose a location to save the exported ZIP file. The file will contain the following three files mentioned under Exporting and Importing.



CCM allows you to import all rules, rulesets, and templates that have been configured in the application. While possible, this method is not recommended for bulk edits.


To import the data, navigate to the Customer Communication Ruleset page and select Import/Export. Make any relevant changes to the files, ensuring that the changes are made in all three files before uploading.

When you are ready to import, create a ZIP archive with the three files mentioned in Exporting and Importing Rulesets.