Daily Planner allows a user with permission to view and modify customer accounts. The Accounts table displays accounts based on the branch you are currently viewing and defaults to 50 results per page. The table can be dragged left and right so that you can pick how many columns you would like to view at a given time. 

You can hide any of the columns mentioned below by using the table configuration button in the upper right corner of the accounts table. Table columns can also be dragged into a different order if desired. These custom configurations are saved locally per user, per browser and can be reset by clicking Reset Defaults from the table configuration drop down.

To open the Accounts table, select Accounts in the left sidebar.

In this article:

Sorting and Filters

You can filter the accounts table with status filters and sort by clicking the column headers. The accounts table can be sorted by the following criteria:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Phone
  • Contact
  • Address
  • Address2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Georesult
  • EQcode
  • Shipping Address

Searching Accounts

The search bar located at the top-right lets you search Accounts using the following fields:

  • AccountID
  • AccountName
  • Address
  • City

To find the account you are looking for, begin typing these fields into the search bar.

Accounts Map

Map icons


The accounts map displays pins for all accounts on the current page of results in the accounts table. Clicking on a pin from the map will scroll to that particular account in the table. Navigating to another page in the table will refresh the map to show the accounts on that page. 

You can also right click anywhere on the map to see the Create Account action. Selecting Create Account from here will reverse geocode and insert address data based on the selected location. If a primary account is set that has address information associated with it, then this will overwrite the primary account address with whatever was geocoded. You can then edit the address or add other account details as described in the Create Accounts section.

Static View

If you just want to view account information without making changes, you can click on any account in the table to open the static accounts window. This window shows all details related to the selected account in a read-only format. You can also see a full list of all shipping addresses associated with the account by selecting the View All link. The static account pane has a sidebar menu you can click to automatically navigate to the section of the account you want to view. You can also select to edit an account or take another action on it from the actions available at the top of the pane. Once you are done viewing the static account details you can close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the pane.

Clicking View all next to Shipping Address opens the Shipping Address window. Within this window you can edit or geocode shipping addresses associated with the account being viewed. Clicking on an address in the list will center the map on that point, while clicking on a point from the map will automatically scroll and highlight the address in the sidebar. You can close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner.

Create Accounts

You can create new accounts from Daily Planner from either right clicking on the map, or by clicking on the Create Account button at the top of the Accounts table. The Create Account window opens over the table/map view and will pre-populate with data if there is a primary account set (note that these values can be changed). Otherwise, the form will start blank and you can add values in as needed. Account name and ID are required fields that must be filled out in order to create a new account. You can close the window by clicking the “X” in the upper right corner.

Typing into Address Line 1 automatically generates address suggestions as you type. If you choose a suggested address, all address fields will automatically populate relevant fields, including City, State, and Zip.

If you would like to geocode the account you can click Geocode. Once Geocoded, the georesult will show in place of the Geocode button. You can re-activate the Geocode button by either changing the address in some way or by clicking the Latitude Longitude button.

If you would like to manually adjust the latitude and longitude of the account pin, you can select the Latitude Longitude button. This opens a window where you can drag and drop the account pin on the map to select a specific latitude and longitude. Clicking Done accepts changes, while clicking Cancel closes the window without making changes.

Below this section the account will display a mini-map based on the address information provided. 

Shipping Addresses

Shipping Addresses (also known as Ship-tos) can be added to an account. Shipping Addresses can be used in place of the original account address for routing purposes. An account can have any number of shipping addresses. If no shipping address exists for a given account the shipping account section will show Same as account address.

To add a new shipping address, you can click on the Add Shipping Address button. This opens the address window where you can enter in the new shipping address and geocode it. Clicking Done accepts address changes, while clicking Cancel  closes the window without making changes.

Once a shipping address is added for an account you can see it in the Shipping Address section under the Add Shipping Address button.

Delivery Time Windows and Time Adjustments

You can manage account delivery time windows and time adjustments from the account page. If no delivery time windows exist you can click on the Select Time Windows button to open the Select Time Windows window. 

You can select the days of the week and time by clicking each of the fields and selecting those values. 

  1. If an account has multiple delivery time windows you can click the Add More button to add additional time windows.
  2. You can also remove additional time windows by clicking the trash can icon next to the time window.

Click Cancel to exit the window without saving changes or click Done to accept your changes. 

Once time windows are added, they will display in a text view. If further changes are needed you can click anywhere on the existing time windows to re-open Select Time Windows.

Fixed Routes

Fixed Route activation, termination, frequencies, and services per day can also be set at the account level, if applicable.

User and Quantity Fields

Quantity and User fields are dynamically displayed based on which fields are visible according to your alias settings in Preferences > Aliases. Each section can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the up or down caret.

Edit Accounts

You can edit accounts directly from the accounts table or from the static account view. Hovering over an account will show the edit and three dot menu actions. From there, you can click on the edit icon to open the Edit Account window. 

Alternatively, if you are already viewing the static details of an account, you can click the edit pencil in the top menu bar.

You can also fine tune the latitude and longitude of an existing account using last known stops as a reference. 

Other Account Actions

  • Geocode - geocodes the address on the account.
  • Duplicate Account - creates a copy of an existing account.
  • Set as Primary (admin only) - allows an administrator to set default account values on the company level. If a primary account is set then the default values will pre-populate when any user creates a new account. 
  • Unset Primary Account (admin only) - allows an administrator to un-set default account values on the company level. This action will only show to you if you are viewing individual account actions for the account set as the primary.


Users with an administrator permission can take any action on the Accounts page. In addition, administrators have the ability to set an account as the primary account for the company. A primary account is an account template that can be used to auto fill fields when creating a new account. It is important to note that a primary account is set per company, not per branch. If you do not want fields auto filled when creating a new account then there is no need to set a primary account. A primary account can be identified by the Primary label next to the account name.

Summary of Permissions

  • Can Create Accounts - allows a user to create new accounts.
  • Can View Accounts - allows a user to view accounts. This permission is required to see the Accounts page.
  • Can Modify Accounts - allows a user to edit accounts.
  • Is an Administrator - allows a user to take all actions, including the admin only “Set as Primary” and “Unset Primary Account” actions. 

For a full list of permissions, please see the permissions table