
Assets are displayed on the calendar in the Vehicles tab. If no assets are created, then the calendar will be blank. To create an asset, return to DRTrack, then Admin > Routing > Assets.

You need to create Asset Types to assign to each individual asset. An asset type usually represents vehicle types that an organization has in its fleet. Click Asset Type, then Add. Type in the name of the asset type (group), check Routeable, then click Save.

Once the asset type is created, then click Add New and fill out the information. In  Daily Planner, the color is irrelevant, but the Activation and Termination Date are important. If a user is viewing the calendar on a date that is not between the Activation and Termination Date, then the asset will not appear on the calendar. Show on Calendar must also be selected for the asset to appear on  Daily Planner.

For an asset to be tied to a truck record, the AssetID that you create for an asset MUST be added to the related truck record in the truck profile in a truck user field called AssetID. This also ensures that the asset and driver get tied together during planning.


Orders, Routes, Drivers, Truck Profiles, Trucks, and Assets are stored in the database tied to a branch. A branch usually represents a physical distribution location. An organization can use one branch or multiple branches, but without them, the drop-down at the header of  Daily Planner will not be available.

To create a branch, navigate to DRTrack using the Bento Menu, then click Admin > Branch Manager:

Click Add New, fill in the information, and then click Save.


Devices are generally created using the Telematics/Mobile integration that the organization is using. Each driver will require a device that you have previously set up in DRTrack.


Drivers must be created in DRTrack or they will not appear on  Daily Planner for planning.

To create drivers, navigate to DRTrack, select Admin, Dispatch, and then Drivers. Select the correct branch and select Add New. Complete the information including the Show on Calendar checkbox. Remember the DriverID - this needs to be entered into the truck record as a value for the DriverID truck user field. This creates the linkage between the vehicle and driver when planning on the calendar.