The dashboard displays information for the current dispatch day. This information is laid out using maps and charts, allowing you to view the day at a glance:

  • Dashboard Map: The dashboard map is the upper left panel of the page. The map will default to show the latest location of the vehicles assigned to routes that are in progress. Vehicles on the map will be color-coded green if the route is ahead of schedule or on schedule. The vehicles will be shown in red if they are behind schedule. The map can be expanded to full screen by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the map.

  • Route and Stop Charts: Located in the top right area of the Dashboard is a Routes health bar chart and immediately below is the Stops health bar chart. Each chart contains a legend of the statuses of planned routes and stops to help the dispatcher understand the health of the routes and stops for the dispatch day as they progress.

  • Routes Chart: The bottom half of the dashboard is a Gantt chart providing real-time tracking of the progress of the routes during the dispatch day. On each route line, the stops are represented as circles. The remaining stops are outlined and completed stops are color-filled. Stops ahead of the estimated schedule, and stops delivered early will be shown in green. Stops behind the estimated schedule or delivered later than the estimated delivery time will be shown in red. As an easy time reference, the current time is always indicated by a vertical line topped with a truck icon cutting through the Gantt chart from top to bottom. Routes can be shown by route name or driver name. Sort and filter tools are also provided to assist in organizing the route list from top to bottom. The Gantt chart can be expanded to full screen by using the Caret (^) icon in the top-right of the chart header.

NOTE: Routes longer than 31 days are not displayed on the Gantt chart.