The Truck Profile Management page, lets you manage truck profiles and records. From here, you can create trucks, truck profiles (groups of trucks), delete trucks, or upload a truck master file.

  • Truck profile selection: At the top of the truck management table, you can select a truck profile from the dropdown menu (a).

  • The Kebab menu (b) at the top-right contains the following items:

    • Add Truck Profile: Creates a new truck profile.

    • Rename Selected Profile: Renames currently selected truck profile.

    • Delete Selected Profile: Deletes the selected truck profile NOTE: Deleting the truck profile will delete all of the truck records in that profile.

  • Truck Record Grid: Trucks for the selected profile appear in this grid (c). You can add and remove columns to the table by clicking the layout button at the right of the headers. You can drag, reorder, and sort the headers similar to a spreadsheet in your favorite spreadsheet application.

  • View Truck Record: To view the details of a truck record, click the record. This displays the Edit Truck window: