Users with administrator permissions can take any action on the Accounts page. In addition, administrators can set an account as the primary account for the company. A primary account is an account template that can be used to auto-fill fields when creating a new account. It is important to note that a primary account is set per company, not per branch. If you do not want fields auto-filled when creating a new account then there is no need to set a primary account. A primary account can be identified by the Primary label next to the account name.
Summary of Permissions
Can Create Accounts: allows a user to create new accounts.
Can View Accounts: allows a user to view accounts. This permission is required to see the Accounts page.
Can Modify Accounts: allows a user to edit accounts.
Is an Administrator: allows a user to take all actions, including the admin-only “Set as Primary” and “Unset Primary Account” actions.
For a full list of permissions, please see the user permissions table.