Multi-Select Unloaded Orders

To select multiple unloaded orders, check the box next to the order card or line (in grid view). As you select orders, the count of selected orders on the icon at the top of the unloaded orders panel increases. You can view unloaded orders only with the Only Show Selected Order icon.



Geocode Multiple Orders

Resource Calendar will notify you if an unloaded order needs to be geocoded by highlighting the unloaded order(s) in yellow. To geocode multiple unloaded orders, you select the orders you wish to geocode and then right-click inside the Unloaded Orders panel and click Geocode All. Alternatively, you can select the order you wish to geocode and select the kebab menu at the top right of the unloaded order pane, and click Geocode All.


Modifying Information

Selecting the Pencil Icon enables edit mode. Once edit mode is enabled, you will notice that two fields will open up to be editable. These fields are Fixed Time and EQ Code. These fields were chosen to be edited directly in the UI as they are the most frequently updated before planning. 


To update the fixed time, which is the time you expect a driver to spend at a particular stop to unload an order, select the fixed time box on the unloaded order card and type in the new value. This will not be saved until you select the pencil multi-select icon again. There is data validation in place to ensure only numeric values are typed in. 

To update the EQCode field, select the EQCode box on the unloaded order card and type in the new value. This will not be saved until you select the pencil multi-select icon again. 

You can quickly enter multiple order values for each field by using the Tab key which will move you from field to field on each card. 

To change other order details, click the kebab menu on the unloaded order card, and select Order Details. The order details menu in DRTrack will open in a new tab.

TIP: You can also use Ctrl+Shift OR Ctrl+Click to select your orders

Creating New Unloaded Orders

Currently, there is no way to create a new order in Appian Resource Calendar. To do this, navigate back to DRTrack and follow this process.

There are three places to create a new order. You can create them directly from the Route Calendar (1), the Dispatch menu (2), and the Unloaded Orders screen (3). The steps below will illustrate the process from the Route Calendar, however, the steps are the same for the other methods of creating an order.



Search for the Account ID that belongs to the order you wish to create (NOTE: If the account does not exist, you will need to first create the account. Click on the blue hyperlinked Account ID.



The “Create Order Form” has multiple sections with required information to be filled out.

  1. Account Information
  2. Order Information
  3. Quantity and User Fields
  4. Time Windows


Account Information:

  1. Confirm the Account Number. To change the Ship-to Address, select an address from the drop-down menu (2). By default, the Ship-to Address will be set to “Same as Account Address”.
  2. Order Information. The following are required

  1. Order ID. This must be a unique number. Most likely is going to be the Ticket Number
  2. EQCode. This is the Delivery Type. 
  3. Est. Ship. This is the date the Order is expected to ship. This date is where the Unloaded Order can be found after completed
  4. Fixed Time. This is the total service time at a stop. From Arrival to Departure


Quantity and User Fields: These are the minimum required fields.


Time Windows: Format for time should be in 24h time (eg. 11:00pm should be entered as 2300).

  1. Open: The Earliest time in the day that a delivery can take place
  2. Close: The Latest time in the day that a delivery can take place


When you are done, click Finish.


Filtering Unloaded Orders

Resource Calendar offers a robust filtering experience that allows users to create expression-based filters that ensure it is showing orders that match the criteria that the dispatcher chooses. 

When you click the filter icon, you are presented with a list of all of the orders on that dispatch date as well as many of the common order elements. You can create filters manually by using the toggles on the left. Turning those toggles off means the routes are unfiltered; if the toggle is blue, the route is inside the filter.



Rather than a manual filter, you can also have the system apply a filter based on meeting specific criteria. Filtering can be done on any of these fields:



  • Order ID - Numeric
  • Est Ship Date- Date
  • Name - Alphanumeric
  • ID - Alphanumeric
  • Address - Alphanumeric
  • City - Alpha
  • State - Alpha
  • Zip - Numeric
  • EQCode - Alphanumeric
  • Fixed Time - Numeric
  • Volumes - Numeric
  • Stop User Fields - Alphanumeric


If the value of the field is alpha, then the filter types can be:

  • Contains
  • Does Not Contain
  • Starts With
  • Ends With
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty


If the value of the field is numeric, time, or date based, then the filter types can be:

  • Equal To
  • Not Equal To
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
  • Less Than
  • Less Than or Equal To
  • Greater Than
  • Greater Than or Equal To


For example, if a user wants to see only orders that were over > 45 minutes of fixed time, they would select the Filter Icon, then select filter by Fixed Time, then select Greater Than and type in 45 and hit add.


Once this is done, you will see the filter applied and can add other filters to drill down the list further if necessary.


Sorting Unloaded Orders

You can sort unloaded orders for the selected date range and branch on the Unloaded Orders panel. The sorting criteria will persist between sessions until you log out of Resource Calendar, change the sorting criteria, or click Reset to Default in the sorting dropdown. When a user selects the sort icon, they see how the route list is currently sorted by looking for the icon next to the field. If the arrow is pointing up, the route list is sorted ascending; if it’s pointed down, it’s sorted descending. Clicking the sort on a single field twice changes the direction of the sort. 


The sort criteria include:

  • Route Name
  • Planned Start Time
  • Planned End Time
  • Rt Number
  • Load Date
  • Total Stops
  • Total Cost
  • Total Distance
  • Work Time
  • Total Legs
  • EQCode
  • Violations
  • Dispatch Date
  • Completed Status
  • Truck ID
  • Volume Fields
  • Truck User Fields

TIP: You can minimize and maximize the Unloaded Orders panel by selecting the caret.