Optimize Between Routes (Shift+Ctrl+O) evaluates the effects of moving a group of stops to other routes. The feature will move from depot to depot (if the multi-depot version is in use), adjusting the stops between the routes within each depot. Moves are made when a lower-cost alternative is identified.


Optimize Between Routes Window


The following options can be modified:

  • General Settings:
    • Level: The number of stops that will be reviewed at one time to determine if they can be moved to another position or another route. This should be set based on the number that is 50% of the average stops per route in each specific project. 4 is the Default, meaning that 8 stops per route is also the average between all customers and projects seen within DirectRoute to date.

EXAMPLE: If DirectRoute is set to level four, it will evaluate moving a cluster of four stops to another route. If the level number is higher, then DirectRoute will review more than four stops at a time and will take longer to process. A lower level setting may result in fewer cost savings. In the diagram below, we see two routes. DirectRoute will evaluate moving stops #1, #2, and #3 from Route #1 to determine if there is a potential cost savings. If the level number were set to 1 or 2, then only the first two stops would be reviewed. Moving only one or two of the stops would save no incremental cost because all three stops are in the same area.

Optimization Level


  • Pass Limit: Limits the number of times the routes will "pass" through the optimization process. The default is 2. Two passes will only find up to 95% of the potential savings, three or more passes are required to find the theoretical 100% of savings in a given project.
  • Cutoff Amount: The minimum cost savings incurred to evaluate moving a stop or leaving it in its current order (enter 5 as the Cutoff Amount, DirectRoute will not change a route unless at least $5 will be saved by moving the stop).

EXAMPLE: DirectRoute determines if a stop is to be evaluated for movement to another position on the route or to a completely different route. For the move to occur, there must be savings of at least that dollar amount. If the amount of money saved for a stop or group of stops to be moved is equal to or greater than this value (the Cutoff Amount), DirectRoute will move the stop.

  • Max Time: Maximum time that you want the optimization routines to run. This does not mean the optimization will always run the maximum time. Generally, DirectRoute will complete optimization before the maximum time has elapsed. DirectRoute reviews the highest marginal cost stops first. This means that most cost savings will occur early in the optimization process.
  • 1st Pass and Subsequent Passes: Designates the time spent on each pass for making moves or swaps. These times are combined to make up the total time allowed for optimization. If these are less than the Max Time, optimization will halt when the pass settings are met.
    • Move Time: The time DirectRoute will attempt to make moves within the first pass (in minutes). Moves are defined as stops changing from one route to another, not sequence moves within the same route.
    • Swap Time: The time DirectRoute will attempt to make swaps between one route and another during the first pass (in minutes). Swaps are defined as an equal number of stops exchanged between two routes.

TIP: To automatically perform both optimizations (within and between routes) after a new route has been loaded, select Optimize after loading within the Load Options, File > Preferences > Routing > Algorithm Settings > Optimize Stops After Loading.

  • Attempt loading unloaded: This check box will attempt to load any stops that have appeared on the unloaded stops page in the Route Book.
  • Optimize displayed routes: Much like Optimize Within Routes, this option also has the Penalty tab, and functions the same way. The check box will cause DirectRoute to only optimize routes that have been locked on the screen. Routes that have not been locked will be ignored.
  • Penalty Factor: A multiplier for the individual penalties seen on the Penalty tab. The Penalty tab allows for more granular control over the individual penalties applied where any occurrence of these violations has been counted. The Optimization algorithm would add to the route cost using the following formula: Total Penalty Cost = # of Violations * Penalty Factor * Cost Per Stop * Violation Penalty Weight.
    • Individual penalties that can be applied are:
      • Start Costing: Modifies the starting cost of a route.
        • Total Penalty Cost = Arrival Time - Open Time * Penalty Factor * TruckHourCost * Start Costing Penalty Weight
      • Tm. Window (TW): Modifies the time window.
        • Total Penalty Cost = # of TW Violations * Penalty Factor * Cost Per Stop * TW Penalty Weight
      • Eq Code: Modifies EqCodes penalties.
        • Total Penalty Cost = # of EqCode Violations * Penalty Factor * Cost Per Stop * EqCode Penalty Weight
      • Work Time (WT): Modifies the work time.
        • Total Penalty Cost = # of WT Violations * Penalty Factor * Cost Per Stop * WT Penalty Weight
      • Capacity (Cap): Modifies the capacity of a truck on the route.
        • Total Penalty Cost = # of Cap Violations * Penalty Factor * Cost Per Stop * Capacity Penalty Weight