The Branches page displays a list and a map of your organization’s locations. See the User Permissions Table for the permissions required to view, create, modify, and delete branches.

Add a branch

  1. Select Create Branch (+ button) at the top of the Branches page.
  2. The Create Branch dialog opens.
  3. Enter your branch information. Branch ID is the only required field, but we recommended adding as much information as possible. You can also pin the branch’s location on the map. (Drag the pin to the correct location or enter its GPS coordinates.) Auto Log Off with End Terminal sets whether to auto log off a route when it crosses the latitude/longitude geofence of that branch when it is the end terminal.
  4. Select Create to finish.
  5. The new branch is added as a new card on your Branches list.

Delete or Edit a Branch

You can delete a branch by selecting the trash can icon on its card or edit a branch by selecting the pencil icon.

Filter Branches

There are two ways to filter branches to help you find them in the list of branch cards.

Narrow Your List with Filter Fields

  1. Select the funnel icon at the top of the Branches page and select Filter.
  2. The Filters dialog opens.
  3. Select (1) the field you want to filter by; (2) select how your search term is applied to that field; (3) enter your search term, and select Add.
  4. Once you have filtered down to only the branches you want to view, select DONE at the bottom of the screen to finish.
  5. Only the filtered branches appear in the Branches list.

Filter all Branches

You can also filter all of your branches so they appear in order based on Branch ID, Branch Name, City, State, Time Zone, Latitude, Longitude, and Daylight Savings.

  1. Select the field you want to organize your list of branches.
  2. The list updates in that new order.