From the main menu, select Dispatch > Routes.
- Use the drop-down menu to select the correct Branch identifier.
- Set the From date to the day that the routes are to be dispatched (defaults to the current date); edit the time if necessary (earliest time that trucks can depart).
- Set the To date to the last day routes should be dispatched (same date as From unless routes are scheduled to leave after midnight); edit the time if necessary (latest time that trucks can depart).
- Select Search; all routes that meet the set search criteria should now be displayed
- Hover over each route to review route information.
- Load Unloaded Orders: Matches unmatched “real” orders to placeholder orders from Master Routes.
- Invert Route: Reverses the order of delivery of the stops, from first to last.
- Reschedule: Reschedule the dispatch date (or load date) of the route.
- Export: Export the finalized routes back to DirectRoute and/or an Order Management Module.
- Optimize: Use to reposition stops on a route after changes have been made to stops that affect delivery dates/times.
- Reschedule: Reschedule stop delivery window times and/or dates.
- Move Stops: Move stops between routes, from one to another.
- Audit: Provides a brief overview of events that have occurred.