Most route data can be edited from the Route Summary page, which you can visit by navigating to Dispatch > Routes.

To change the Start or Stop Time:
  1. Select Edit Mode from the upper right.

  2. Place a check in the box adjacent to the route and edit Start/End Date and/or Start/End Time.

  3. When complete, select Reschedule for a date change, or Change Start Time for a time change.

Inverting routes will reverse the order of the planned stops. To invert a route:
  1. Select Edit Mode from the upper right.

  2. Place a check in the box adjacent to the routes to invert, then click Invert.

To delete a route, navigate to Admin > Routing > Delete Routes. 001

You can delete routes based on three parameters:
  • Delete Routes by LoadID. This option is limited to 31 days.

  • Delete Routes by Date.

  • Delete Routes by Route Number.

Select the tab to Delete Routes by Date:
  1. Pick two dates and the specific Branch or all branches.

  2. Click Delete.


CAUTION: This will delete ALL historical data that is on the routes. Historical data that will be removed includes, but is not limited to the following:
  • Order Info
  • Line item info (if they have line items)
  • Quantity info
  • User field info
  • Driver logins and logouts
  • Stop info
  • Truck list
  • Order history
  • Actual/Arrivals
  • Stored GPS data
  • Any forms for those stops if using forms
  • Any user field details of the stops        

When prompted, click OK to continue:
