Editing Routes
Most route data can be edited from the Route Summary page, which you can visit by navigating to Dispatch > Routes.
Select Edit Mode from the upper right.
Place a check in the box adjacent to the route and edit Start/End Date and/or Start/End Time.
When complete, select Reschedule for a date change, or Change Start Time for a time change.
Select Edit Mode from the upper right.
Place a check in the box adjacent to the routes to invert, then click Invert.
To delete a route, navigate to Admin > Routing > Delete Routes.
Delete Routes by LoadID. This option is limited to 31 days.
Delete Routes by Date.
Delete Routes by Route Number.
Pick two dates and the specific Branch or all branches.
Click Delete.
CAUTION: This will delete ALL historical data that is on the routes. Historical data that will be removed includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Order Info
- Line item info (if they have line items)
- Quantity info
- User field info
- Driver logins and logouts
- Stop info
- Truck list
- Order history
- Actual/Arrivals
- Stored GPS data
- Any forms for those stops if using forms
- Any user field details of the stops
When prompted, click OK to continue: