Building routes on the Route Board is designed for building routes in bulk using an existing truck profile and a set of unloaded orders.


To enable this function, it must first be turned on in Settings & Configuration.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Site > Settings & Configuration.
  2. . Select UI from the Section dropdown menu, then type enablebuildroutes in the filter box. Press Enter to filter the results.
  3. Select Edit, then check the box in the Value column to enable the function.
  4. Click Update when you are done.


Return to the Route Board (Dispatch > Route Board). The Route Board should be empty of any active daily routes, and there should be orders ready to load in the Unloaded Orders pool.


Enable Build Routes


Empty Daily Routes (Route Board)

To build a new route:

  1. Click the Build Routes tab In the upper right corner of the Route Board.
  2. Edit Build: Branch (use the drop-down menu to locate), Dispatch date (or load date), and Profile.
  3. Edit Unloaded Orders: Dispatch Start date/time and Dispatch End date/time, using the calendar tool to change the dates if necessary.
  4. Click Build Routes when you are ready.


Build Routes Tab


Build Routes Results


The newly-built route will appear on the map and will be listed in the Route Detail list.

  1. To unload any stop, select the stop from the Route Detail list, then click Unload Stops.
  2. To invert the new route, click Invert Routes.
  3. To edit any other stop and/or route details, use the Route Summary page.