Master Routes can be scheduled to automatically dispatch on a set, repetitive schedule (cycle), selecting a weekly cycle or up to a four-week cycle.


Go to  Admin > Master Routes

  1. Select the appropriate Branch from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on Add New Task, then select Fixed Routes.Adding Fixed Routes 
  3. Set frequency to Daily and edit Time (Time Zone) to select how often the Fixed Routes function should run


Create Scheduled Task

Select the appropriate Schedule Fixed Routing options.

  1. Route Master Routes—Select how many days ahead to run (example in 4., below)
  2. Fixed Routing Cycle—Select the number of weeks in the cycle to route, 1 to 4 weeks
  3. Last day of work weekSelect the day of the week that represents the last work day in your organization
  4. Route ahead at end of the week—Select how many days ahead to run the solution, if ran on the last day of the week

Example: If the last work day of the week is Friday, and you want to route ahead for Monday, then you would want to route ahead ­3 days

  1. To copy these settings to ALL branches, select the Copy settings to all branches button
  2. Select the Create Scheduled Task button


When completed, the screen will return to the Manage Scheduled Task page, with the new task listed in the summary.


Edit Scheduled Tasks

To edit a scheduled task for a one-time change (ex: pull an order from tomorrow’s schedule, only), make the changes from the route page for that day/route.


From the menu, select Dispatch > Routes:

  1. Select the Branch, and date window to view routes
  2. Select the route and order to edit


To edit a scheduled task to make a permanent change (ex: pull an order from rotation permanently), or to pause a task, go to Admin > Master Routes.

  1. Use the Branch, Profile, and/or Day Code drop-down menus to locate the route 
  2. Click on the box to the left of the Route # column to select the route, then select the appropriate edit button from the available buttons in the upper right corner
  3. Select the route and order, and edit as necessary