XML Order Import Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Key | N |
| R | A unique identifier for each DRStop element | 1 |
Branch | S | 20 | R | The name of the branch the customer belongs | MAIN, OKC or DALLAS |
Name | S | 50 | R | The name of the customer | Appian |
Contact | S | 50 | O | The name of a contact at the customer site | Joe |
Phone | S | 25 | O | Telephone number of the customer | 800-893-1250 |
ID1 | S | 30 | R | A unique identifier for this stop. Typically, an account number | A0001 |
ID2 | S | 25 | R | A unique secondary ID normally used for order number | O0001 |
ID3 | S | 25 | R | Third Identifier field normally used for a line item number or SKU. Can be default value for all records | L0001 |
Address | S | 100 | R | Street address for the customer | 10317 Greenbriar Pl |
Address2 | S | 100 | O | Secondary address information (e.g. suite number, building, etc.) | Ste 100 |
City | S | 35 | R | The name of the city for this customer | Oklahoma City |
State | S | 2 | R | 2 character abbreviation for the state or province | OK |
Zip | S | 10 | R | The zip code or postal code of the customer | 73159-1514 |
FixedTime | DU |
| R | Number of minutes at this customer. Each customer can have a different fixed time | PT0H25M |
RouteNumber | N |
| O | The route number that this stop is normally placed on | 1 |
Leg | N |
| O | The leg number that this stop is normally placed on | 1 |
Seq | N |
| O | The position of this customer within a route | 1 |
SizeRestriction | N |
| O | This field corresponds to the Capacity 1 field in the Truck file | 42000 |
EqCode | S | 50 | O | Equipment code for assigning account to particular vehicles | @AB-BH |
DRVolume (unlimited) |
| R | Volume to be delivered. One field for each volume used (ie. weight, cube, pallets, etc.) | See Volume Table for details |
| O | Open time and close time of delivery time window and the day of delivery. | See Time Window Table for details |
Zone | N |
| O | Speed zones used to increase or decrease truck driving speed within a delivery area. An example would be if the customer is located within a congested downtown area. A value of 125 increases driving time by 25%. Similarly, a value of 90 decreases the driving time by 10%. | 125 |
OrderType | E |
| R | Add: New Order Modify: Update Order Delete: Delete Order. If Modify is set as OrderType and if that order doesn’t exist in DRTrack then it will be added as a new order |
Longitude | N |
| O | Longitude of customer (calculated by DirectRoute) | -97.5225 |
Latitude | N |
| O | Latitude of customer (calculated by DirectRoute) | 32.7545 |
DRUserFields (Unlimited) |
| O | Optional data fields with additional information pertaining to the account. | See table 4 for details |
Symbol | S | 10 | O | The symbol displayed on the map when orders are downloded to DirectRoute | Diamond |
Size | N |
| O | The size of the symbol displayed on the map when orders are downloaded to DirectRoute | 16 |
Color | S | 10 | O | The color of the symbol displayed on the map | Green |
MaxSplits | N | 2 | O | Maximum number of times an order can be split | 0 |
EarlyBuffer | DU |
| O | The EarlyBuffer, in conjunction with the LateBuffer and PenaltyCost, is used to create Soft Time Windows. The Early Buffer applies a buffer, noted in hours, to the Time Windows. A buffer set to half-an-hour (.5) would stretch the front of the Time Windows by a half-an-hour. (I.e.: Time Windows of 07:00-11:00 would actually be computed as 06:30-11:00). When a stop uses the offered buffer, a penalty cost can be applied, as laid out in the PenaltyCost Field | PT1H25M30S |
LateBuffer | DU |
| O | The LateBuffer, in conjunction with EarlyBuffer and PenaltyCost, is used to create Soft Time Windows. Late Buffer applies a buffer, noted in house, to the Time Windows. A buffer set to half-an-hour (.5) would stretch the back of the Time Windows by 30 minutes (I.e.: Time Windows of 07:00-11:00 would actually be computed as 07:00-11:30). When a stop uses the offered buffer, a penalty cost can be applied, as laid out in the PenaltyCost Field | PT2H |
PenaltyCost | N |
| O | The PenaltyCost column, used in conjunction with EarlyBuffer and LateBuffer, is used to apply a penalty to stops that use the buffers; penalty cost, applied in Cost per Hour. Penalty Cost is used to calculate not only penalty charges for a stop using the buffer, but also during optimization. DRTrack will attempt to move a stop with a penalty cost to another route, eliminating the penalty. | 50 |
Estimated DeliveryDate | D |
| R | The Date/time the order is expected to deliver | 2010-01-10T18:05:00 |
EarliestDate | D |
| O | When a Stop must be delivered within a certain timeframe, then Earliest Date may be used to ensure that the stop is completed within the restrictive time. | 2010-01-08 |
LatestDate | D |
| O | Latest Date is used in conjunction with Earliest Date. This is the latest that a stop may be serviced. LatestDate may be the same as the Earliest Date, if there is only one day in which the stop may be serviced | 2010-01-12 |
CloseTW | B |
| O | If the customer's delivery must be completed (delivered, unloaded and out) by the late time window time, this field will be TRUE. | True or False |
XML Order Import Volume Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
No | N |
| R | ID | Field Value |
Name | S | 25 | R | Name of the Qty Field | Weight, Cube, Pallet |
Volume | N |
| R | Amount to be delivered to the stop | 2000 |
UnldRate | N |
| R | The amount of time it will take to unload material per hour. It will take 2 hours to deliver 2000 units at an unld rate of 1000 units/hr (Pass 0 to ignore unload rates) | 1000 |
NOTE: Service Time at delivery locations are calculated based uppon Fixed Time and Unload Time. Setting unload rates to 0 will make the fixed time be the total service time.
XML Order Import Time Window Format Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Open | T |
| R | Open time of the delivery time window. (seconds are ignored) | 07:00:00 |
Close | T |
| R | Close time of the delivery time window. (seconds are ignored) | 13:30:00 |
Pattern | S | 7 | R | Day of the delivery. Allowed Characters: S: Sunday M: Monday T: Tuesday W: Wednesday R: Thursday F: Friday A: Saturday | MWFA, SMF, RFA |
XML Order Import DR User Fields Table
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
No | N |
| R | ID | Field Value |
Name | S | 25 | R | Name of the UserField | SalesPerson |
Value | S | 255 | R | Value of the UserField | Bob |
The XML schema contains optional tags for DRTimeWindow, DRBreakTime, DROvertime, DRTruck, and DRTruck Envelope that are used in a different interface (can be ignored).