(P) - Indicates a check box for True/False settings
Section | Name | Value (Sample) | Description |
10-4 | 10-4 Send Position Events API URL | 10-4 API URL to Send Position Events. | |
10-4 | 10-4APIKey | 8z7nls77E1RXdTQ | 10-4 Client API Key |
10-4 | 10-4APIRELATIONSHIPURL | 10-4 Client URL for Relationship endpoint | |
10-4 | 10-4APISHIPMENTURL | 10-4 Client URL for Shipment endpoint | |
10-4 | 10-4ETASourceOfTruth | True (P) or False | 10-4 is ETA Source of Truth |
10-4 | 10-4GPSSourceOFTruth | True (P) or False | 10-4 is GPS Source of Truth |
10-4 | ENABLE10-4 | True (P) or False | Indicates whether the 10-4 integration is enabled |
ApptScheduler | AUTOGENORDERID | True (P) or False | The time window used when creating an order for Appt Scheduler. |
ApptScheduler | MANAGERAPPROVALDIFF | 100 | The amount when met or exceeded will require manager approval (0 for unlimited). |
ApptScheduler | MAXORDERSTOREMOVESEEDSTOP | 1 | The number of orders that must be added to a route before the seed stop is deleted. |
ApptScheduler | MAXTIMEWINDOWTHREADCOUNT | 5 | The maximum number of threads to use when calling time window suggest routes. |
ApptScheduler | ORDERTIMEWINDOW | 4 | The time window used when creating an order for Appt Scheduler. |
ApptScheduler | SERVICERADIUS | 1000 | The route radius used when calling suggesting routes for Appt Scheduler. |
ApptScheduler | TIMEWINDOW | 2 | The time window used when calling suggesting routes for Appt Scheduler. |
csv | EnableExportToCSV | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to show the Export to CSV option. |
csv | Notes |
| Uses tokens to determine what information will be displayed in the Notes column. |
Csv | StopDescription |
| Uses tokens to determine what information will be displayed in the StopInformation column. |
d2link | ArrivalFormIdV2 |
| Default Arrival Form for D2LinkV2 |
d2link | DetailsDisplay |
| Configures the format in which stop/order details are displayed to the driver. |
d2link | EnableArrivalForms | True (P) or False | Enables arrival forms for d2link devices |
d2link | ExportEndTerminals | True (P) or False | Makes End Terminal visible on D2Link schedule. |
d2link | OrderHeaderDisplay | {OrderID} | Configures the format in which orders are displayed to the driver on a D2Link device. |
d2link | ReExportCompletedStops | True (P) or False | DRTrack will export already-completed stops to D2Link when routes are re-exported. It will send those stops as Completed stops to D2Link. |
d2link | StopHeaderDisplay | {Customer Name} | Configures the format in which stops are displayed to the driver on a D2Link device. |
d2Link | LINEITEMDETAILDISPLAY | {LineItemID}, {user:Jobname}, {Customer} | Determines how line items are displayed in D2Link |
D2Link | D2LinkAccounts | IntegrationDB | D2link accounts |
D2Link | D2LinkV2Accounts | IntegrationDB | D2linkV2 Accounts |
D2Link | FirebaseURL |
| D2link FirebaseURL |
D2Link | LINEITEMHEADERDISPLAY | {LineItemID}, {user:Jobname}, {Customer} | Determines how line items are displayed in D2Link. |
D2Link | TestD2LinkClientName |
| Configure an optional test client name. Use in conjunction with TestD2LinkDevices. |
D2Link | TestD2LinkDevices |
| Comma separated list of device IDs to use with the TestD2LinkClientName. |
dotnet | DefaultDisplayQtyAlias | Pallet Qty, Hazmat | Configuration to display up to two QtyAlias in aspx page. Please enter comma seperated QtyAlias (value from TBLQTYFIELDS.QTYALIAS column). Ex: Cube,Pallets |
dotnet | DefaultDisplayQtyAlias | Pallet Qty, Hazmat | Configuration to display up to two QtyAlias in aspx page. Please enter comma seperated QtyAlias (value from TBLQTYFIELDS.QTYALIAS column). Ex: Cube,Pallets |
dotnet | AlgoConsolidateFixedTimes | True (P) or False | Consolidates fixed time if set to true |
dotnet | AllowInsertingStopsImmediatelyAfter LastCompleted | True (P) or False | Allow dispatchers to insert stops immediately after the last completed stop. They will be warned that this could be a bad idea. |
dotnet | AllowModifyFinalizedOrder | True (P) or False | Enables the ability to refinalize a modified or added order |
dotnet | AppendCaretToDuplicatedLineItems | True (P) or False | AppendCaretToDuplicatedLineItems |
dotnet | ApplyTimeBoundariesOnRelated Routes | True (P) or False | Consider resources assigned to surrounding routes to apply constraints to routing functions to prevent overlapping resource allocation. |
dotnet | AutoCorrectLoginTime | True or False | Automatically adjusts login time based on actual performance to determine when a route was started. |
dotnet | AUTOEXPORTROUTESMODE | None | Determines which auto export action to take when routes are added to DRTrack. Options: XRS, TomTom |
dotnet | AutogenerateOrderIds | True (P) or False | Determines if order ids need to be autogenerated or not |
dotnet | AutoLoginPreassignedRoute | True (P) or False | Checks for open route preassignments every few minutes and automatically logs in devices at the appropriate time based on the route start time. |
dotnet | AutoLoginPreassignedRouteBuffer Time | 15 | Allows for an early login time when automatically logging in preassigned routes near the route start time. Provide a value in Minutes. |
dotnet | BranchDropDownDisplay | BranchID | Determine how the branch drop down should look. |
dotnet | ColorRouteRowsWithDelay | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to color the entire row of routes which exhibit a delay. |
dotnet | ColorStopsWithDisplayColor | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to use the DISPLAYCOLOR field to color stops on the EditRoutes page. |
dotnet | CompactStopSummaryMenu | True (P) or False | Enables compacting stops summary page button menu to the pre-7x layout |
dotnet | CONDITIONALLYUPDATEACCOUNT | True (P) or False | Enables conditional updating for account fields when updating from the web service. |
dotnet | ConsolidateByAddress | True (P) or False | Consolidate by Address |
dotnet | ConsolidateByID1 | True (P) or False | Consolidate by AccountID |
dotnet | CopyPlannedToActuals | True (P) or False | This enables copy planned to actuals on the stops page.. was teleflora custom functionality |
dotnet | DefaultDisplayUserAlias | Delivery Instructions, Customer PO, Job Name, FixedTime, Address | Configuration to display up to two User Fields where applicable. Please enter comma seperated aliases (value from TBLUSERFIELDLIST.ALIAS column). Ex: SpcInstr,LoadID |
dotnet | deletegpsxmlfile | TRUE | If false, GPS data XML received from 3rd party application or sync service will not be saved. |
dotnet | DRAlgorithmType | Regular | Configures the algorithm type settings |
dotnet | DRGeocodingFallbackLevel | Level1 | Determines what action needs to be taken for Geocoding Fallback Level. |
dotnet | EditableUserFields |
| Determines a list of user fields which can be edited directly on the stop summary page. Comma delimit the aliases. |
| Alias for AccountID |
| Alias for Account Name |
| Alias for ETA |
| Alias for LoadID |
| Alias for OrderID |
| Alias for Seq |
| Alias for Order Delivery status |
| Qty field 1 in email |
| Qty field 2 in email |
dotnet | EMAILUSERFIELD1 | User1 | Alias name for userfield1 |
dotnet | EMAILUSERFIELD2 | User2 | Alias name for userfield2 |
dotnet | EMAILUSERFIELD3 | User3 | Alias name for userfield3 |
dotnet | EnableAssetSelectionOnDriverLogin | True (P) or False | Determines if the Asset ID drop down should be shown on the driver login page. |
dotnet | EnableD2Link | True (P) or False | Enables D2Link-specific DRTrack functionality |
dotnet | EnableDefaultCoordinatesToAccountMaster | True (P) or False | Enables Coordinates defaulting to the Account Master Lat/Lon when adding stops. no 0,0 |
dotnet | EnableGeotab | True (P) or False | Displays Export to Geotab button in routes page |
dotnet | EnableHOS | True (P) or False | Enables Peoplenet HOS |
dotnet | enableInnovative | True (P) or False | enable innovative specific functionality |
dotnet | enableInnovative | True (P) or False | enable innovative specific functionality |
dotnet | EnableRouteBoardDefaultTo UnloadedStops | True (P) or False | Checks or leaves unchecked all routes when opening RouteBoard. Set true if performance is slow. Disabled by default |
dotnet | EnableRouteExportXml | True (P) or False | Displays Route Export Xml button in routes page when enabled |
dotnet | EnableShiftBuilding | True (P) or False | Decides whether or not wave/shift building is available. |
dotnet | EnableTimeWindowCodes | True (P) or False | Decides whether or not time window codes are available. |
dotnet | EnableTMW | True (P) or False | Enables Export to TMW functionality. |
dotnet | ENABLETOMTOM | True (P) or False | Enables ENABLETOMTOM-specific DRTrack functionality |
dotnet | enableTripSheetStatus | True (P) or False | Enables Trip Sheet Status Column in Route List on Route Board |
dotnet | EnableUleQtyFields | True (P) or False | Determine if volume fields should be classified as ULE (routable) vs non-routable |
dotnet | EnableUPL | True (P) or False | Displays Export to UPL button in routes page |
dotnet | EnableXata | True (P) or False | Displays Export to Xata button in routes page |
dotnet | EnableXRS | True (P) or False | Displays Export to XRS button in routes page |
dotnet | EnforceSecurityForDataExchange | True (P) or False | This prevents unauthenticated data download |
dotnet | ExpandStopSummaryMenu | True (P) or False | Enables expanding stops summary page button menu to the pre-7x layout |
dotnet | ExportToTable | True (P) or False | Sets caption for the export to table button in routes page |
dotnet | GeocodeOrdersBeforeRouting | True (P) or False | Geocode orders before routing |
dotnet | GeocodingEngine | PCMiler | Geocoding engine type |
dotnet | GeocodingURL | http://geocodingservice. routetracking. com/DRRouting Service.svc | Geocoding service for street level data |
dotnet | GoogleAPIKey | AIzaSyCBgOiIIsjwkoYOqDTzQgo3XnPNkrAK-Ow | Google API key to use google geocoding service. |
dotnet | GoogleGeocodeAccuracyLevel | Approximate | Determines what action needs to be taken for Google Geocode Accuracy Level. |
dotnet | gpsmapspeed | 65 | NULL |
dotnet | IgnoreEQCodeOnConsolidation | True (P) or False | This flag will determine whether or not DRTrack will use EQCodes when consolidating. |
dotnet | isTeleflora | True (P) or False | Enables Teleflora Specific functionality |
dotnet | LastPingTime | 10/31/2017 9:16 | Last ping time |
dotnet | LoginBufferIntervalInMinute | 0 | Buffer for login time |
dotnet | LoginStatusEmailNotification | True (P) or False | Enable or Disable Processing of login status email notifications |
dotnet | MaxEmailsPerSession | 90 | Determines the maximum number of emails that BEmailManager will allow to be sent in one SmptClient session. |
dotnet | MaxNumberOfRoutesToOptimize Between | 5 | The maximum number of routes that can be selected for optimization between. |
dotnet | MaxNumberOfRoutesToOptimize Within | 10 | The maximum number of routes that can be selected for optimization. |
dotnet | MaxOrderImportThreadCount | 1 | The number of threads used in the order import process. |
dotnet | MergeIncomingOrderImportQueues | True (P) or False | Determines whether Incoming OrderImportQueues need to be merged |
dotnet | milesadjustmentpercent | 10 | NULL |
dotnet | NotLoggedInEmailPriorityRoutesOnly | True (P) or False | Modifies the default RoutesNotLoggedIn logic to exclude routes which are not priority routes. |
dotnet | ondutywithdrivetime | True (P) or False | NULL |
dotnet | OnFinalizeActions | ApplyFinalize Lock|DeleteFakeOrders | Enables optional behaviors when Finalize occurs |
dotnet | ONFINALIZELEAVEORDER | True (P) or False | Defines the default behavior for the finalize route process |
dotnet | OrderManagementDisplayUserAlias | Job Name,Item Number Description | Configuration to display up to two User Fields in order management module. Please enter comma seperated aliases (value from TBLUSERFIELDLIST.ALIAS column). Ex: SpcInstr,LoadID |
dotnet | PERFORMORDERIMPORTHASHING | True (P) or False | Determine whether or not the order import process should perform the hashing algorithm. |
dotnet | RemoveEmptyLegs | True (P) or False | Enables removal of empty legs from routes when moving or unloading stop or route |
dotnet | RestoreFakeOrders | True (P) or False | Decides whether or not fake orders should be restored when real orders are deleted. |
dotnet | RouteBoardGeocodeOnlyUngeocodedDefault | True (P) or False | Routeboard - Geocode Only Ungeocoded Records Default |
dotnet | SecondaryGeocoder | Determines what action needs to be taken for Secondary Geocoder. | |
dotnet | SetStopSummaryViewModeToOrders | True (P) or False | This defaults teh stop summary grid view to "Orders" |
dotnet | ShiftBuildingMatchCriteria | TimeWindows | Decides how orders are determined to match a shift. Either by Time Window or by Estimated Ship DateTime |
dotnet | ShiftBuildingMode | TimeWindowCodes | Decides how Shifts are determined in the system. One can either use "Custom" shifts or "TimeWindowCodes". |
dotnet | SMTPENABLESSL | True (P) or False | true/false |
| from address that is displayed in the recipients email |
| from name that is displayed in recipients email |
| login info needed for smtp authentication |
| password needed for smtp authentication |
dotnet | SMTPPORT |
| smtp port number |
| smtp address |
dotnet | TRACKACCOUNTROUTEAUDIT | None | Enables tracking of the Account Route Audit |
dotnet | UpdateUserFieldValuesIfExists | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not user field values will be updated by the PeopleNet sync service if they already exist in DRTrack. |
dotnet | UseAccountTWForServiceWizard | True (P) or False | Set to false to use the geolocation algorithm to get nearby account time windows, true to pull the Account Master time windows |
dotnet | UseDistanceEngine | True (P) or False | Use the TMW Distance Engine to generate distance entries rather than using crow-fly distance. |
dotnet | UseGoogleForGeocoding | True (P) or False | Use google for geocoding. |
dotnet | UseShiftsForOrders | True (P) or False | Decides whether or not to use shifts when recieving an order and assigning the time window |
dotnet | UseZeroVolumeForCloning | True (P) or False | Use zero for quantity volume during cloning process. |
DotNet | DefaultEnableConfirmationOnRoute Board | True (P) or False | Determines if Confirmation Popup Window on RouteBoard is enabled by default |
DotNet | EnableTripSheetOnRouteBoard | True (P) or False | Enables Print TripSheet button and TripSheet Status indicator on RouteBoard |
DotNet | OpenPatternsAndDatesOnOrders BeforeBuild | True (P) or False | Opens order delivery window patterns and earliest/latest date when building routes. |
DotNet | ShowGeoresultUnloadedStopsRoute Board | True (P) or False | Shows GeoResult column on Unloaded Stops Grid on Route Board |
DotNet | ShowRoutesStopCountOnRoute Board | True (P) or False | Shows Stop Count column on Route List on Route Board |
geocoding | RunAddressCleanup | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to run address cleanup routines when geocoding |
geocoding | UpdateAddressAfterCleanup | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to update an account with updated information from Address Cleanup |
GEOTAB | Database |
| Geotab Database |
GEOTAB | Password |
| Geotab Password |
GEOTAB | Server |
| Geotab Server |
GEOTAB | Username |
| Geotab Username |
iBright | AssetsBaseURL | URL to Sync Drivers and Devices in iBright with DRTrack. | |
iBright | EnableIBright | True (P) or False | iBright Integration. Options true or false. |
iBright | JobsBaseURL | URL to export Routes/jobs to iBright. | |
iBright | UseEditIdentifierAsDeviceID | True (P) or False | Default Value false. This option is used while synchronizing Device. If false, XML element Name will be used as DeviceID. If true, XML element EditIdentifier will be used as DeviceID. |
iBright | UseEditIdentifierAsDriverID | True (P) or False | Default Value false. This option is used while synchronizing Driver. If false, XML element LinkingCode will be used as DriverID. If true, XML element EditIdentifier will be used as DriverID. |
login | EarlyLoginBuffer | 4 | Manual logins must fall within X hours before the planned start time. Administrators can override. |
login | EarlyLogoffBuffer | 12 | Manual logins must fall within X hours before the planned end time. Administrators can override. |
login | LateLoginBuffer | 4 | Manual logins must fall within X hours after the planned start time. Administrators can override. |
login | LateLogoffBuffer | 12 | Manual logoffs must fall within X hours after the planned end time. Administrators can override. |
login | UseSingleSignOn | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to use a configured SSO Service for login. |
NavTrak | ApplicationId |
| Credentials to access NavTrak webservice. |
NavTrak | DisplayAddress | True (P) or False | Display Address in Garmin unit in detail section. Options true or false. |
NavTrak | DisplayOrderId | True (P) or False | Display OrderId in Garmin unit in detail section. Options true or false. |
NavTrak | EnableNavTrak | True (P) or False | NavTrak Integration. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | ApplicationId | True (P) or False | Credentials to access NexTraq webservice. |
NexTraq | DisplayAccountId | True (P) or False | Display AccountId in message section. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | DisplayAccountName | True (P) or False if not checked | Display AccountName in message section. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | DisplayAddress | True (P) or False | Display Address in message section. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | DisplayOrderId | True (P) or False | Display OrderId in message section. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | DisplayPlannedArrivalDeparture | True (P) or False | Display Planned Arrival and departure in message section. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | EnableNexTraq | True (P) or False | NexTraq Integration. Options true or false. |
NexTraq | NexTraqLastPingtime |
| Default value blank. If blank, when NexTraq executes for first time, INIValue will be updated to CurrentDate. If older than 7 days, INIVAlue defaulted to CurrentDate. |
OMM | AcceptableGeoResultsForReservationMerge | Manual,Level0,Level1,Z1 | Comma delimited list of acceptable georesults for orders to be merged onto reservations. |
OMM | AllowOrderDeleteOnLoadedRoutes | True (P) or False | Allows orders to be deleted even if they are loaded |
OMM | CreateShipToWithinOMM | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not create Ship To accounts as part of the OMM process |
OMM | EnableValidateGeoResultsFor ReservationMerge | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not the geoResult of incoming orders determines whether or not to merge the order onto reservations. |
OMM | GeocodeReservationOrdersBefore Merging | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not to geocode orders with reservations before merging. |
OMM | OverwriteAccountEQCodeWithin OMM | True (P) or False | Enables updating the account eq code when updating from the OMM. |
OMM | UpdateEqCodeWithinOMM | True (P) or False | Updates Eq Code within OMM |
OMM | UpdateShipToLatLongsInOMM | True (P) or False | Set to true to use update the lat/longs when the address matches the ship to and the lat/longs dont, false to not overwrite with new lat/longs on matching address |
OMM | GeocodeAndRescheduleRouteOn AddressChangeWithinOMM | True (P) or False | Determines if Modify Orders sent through OMM get geocoded and their routes rescheduled during Import Orders scheduled task |
OMM | GeocodeAndRescheduleRouteOn AddressChangeWithinOMM | True (P) or False | Determines if Modify Orders sent through OMM get geocoded and their routes rescheduled during Import Orders scheduled task |
OMM | UPDATEACCOUNTLATLONGINOMM | True (P) or False | Update Account Lat Long In OMM |
OMM | UpdateFinalizedOrdersInOMM | True (P) or False | Allows finalized orders to be updated through the OMM. |
OMM | UpdateFixedTimeInOMM | True (P) or False | Fixed Time fiedl in Account Master will be updated when this setting is set to true |
OMM | UpdatePriorityBumpInOMM | True (P) or False | Priority Bump Factor field in Account Master will be updated when this setting is set to true |
OMM | UpdatePriorityInOMM | True (P) or False | Priority field in Account Master will be updated when this setting is set to true |
peoplenet | DispatchVehicleNumbersWith Preassignments | True (P) or False | Determine whether or not to send the vehicle_number with route exports. Turning this ON will automatically log the route in. |
peoplenet | EnablePeoplenet | True (P) or False | Configuration to enable or disable Peoplenet in DRTrack |
peoplenet | PEOPLENETDATA1 |
| userfield alias goes in here |
peoplenet | PEOPLENETDATA2 |
| userfield alias goes in here |
peoplenet | PEOPLENETDATA3 |
| userfield alias goes in here |
peoplenet | PEOPLENETDATA4 |
| userfield alias goes in here |
peoplenet | PEOPLENETDATA5 |
| userfield alias goes in here |
peoplenet | PeoplenetQtyAlias |
| Determines the quantity field that will be processed to show as planned quantity in PeopleNet devices. |
peoplenet | PeopleNetQuantitySplitPickupAnd Delivery | True (P) or False | Show the PeopleNetQtyAlias quantity field as a dichotomy of pickup/delivery |
peoplenet | ProcessSequenceNumberWith CustomerID | True (P) or False | Use customer ID to determine the true sequence number between PeopleNet and DRTrack. This is more accurate for preventing desyncs. |
peoplenet | UpdateLatAndLongInLandmark | True (P) or False | Possible values (true,false). False:- lat & long values will not be sent from DRTrack to peoplnet while updating the landmark table; True:- when updating the landmark table, Lat & long values from DRTrack will also be sent to peoplenet system. |
peoplenet | UseShiptoInLandmark | True (P) or False | Possible values (true,false). False:- use accountmaster address in landmark table; True:- use shipto address in landmark table. |
Report | ReportExecActDomainName | Hosted | Enter the Windows account domain name used to access the SQL report. |
Report | DefaultReportQtyAlias | Pallet Qty,Hazmat | Default Qty Alias Fields for Report |
Report | DefaultReportUserAlias | LOADID,OrigSeq | Default User Alias Fields for Report |
resources | AuthCompanyName |
| Determines the company authentication credential used to communicate with the resource service. Leave blank to configure automatically. |
resources | AuthPassword |
| Determines the password authentication credential used to communicate with the resource service. Leave blank to configure automatically. |
resources | AuthUsername |
| Determines the username authentication credential used to communicate with the resource service. Leave blank to configure automatically. |
resources | Url | Configures the Url of the service DRTrack will use for storing and retrieving large resources. | |
Resources | ImageMimeType | image/jpeg | Tells the image processor what file type to save images as. |
Resources | ImageResizeMode | maximum | Tells the image processor how to treat image size and aspect ratio. |
Resources | MaxHeight | 1024 | Provides the height option for the image processor. |
Resources | MaxWidth | 1024 | Provides the width option for the image processor. |
Resources | ProcessImages | True (P) or False | Upload images with post-processing options. |
routeupload | AutoExportPeopleNet | True (P) or False | Enable or Disable Exporting routes to PeopleNet on Upload |
routeupload | CommitTransactionForEveryRoute | True (P) or False | Forces the route upload module to commit the current database transaction for each and every route. This is needed for very large route uploads. |
routeupload | DoNotUseTransactionsDuringRoute Upload | True (P) or False | Determine whether or not transactions should be used during the route upload process at all. |
routeupload | EmailRouteManifestToDrivers | True (P) or False | Enable or Disable Processing of login status email notifications |
routeupload | EnableShipToForRouteUpload | True (P) or False | Enables shipto for routeupload |
routeupload | SendOrderScheduleEmailOnUpload | True (P) or False | Enable or Disable sending Order Schedule notifications on export |
routeupload | UpdateAccountMasterWithinOMM | True (P) or False | This flag will update Account Master contact and address information with new information from the Order Management Module. |
routeupload | UpdateEditableTruckUserInfo | True (P) or False | Determines if editable truck user fields need to be shown or not. |
RouteUpload | AutoGenerateProfileMaster | True (P) or False | Allow the system to automatically generate a profile master for the given branch ID if one does not exist. |
stopdetection | AutoLogoffMaxGracePeriod | 180 | Maximum number of minutes vehicle can be stationed at the terminal without triggering auto-logoff even if other minimums have not been met. |
stopdetection | MatchStopListWithLegAndSeqOnly | True (P) or False | This flag affects services which provide StopLists in lieu of GPS detection. If true, stops will be matched based on Leg & Seq and not AccountIDs. |
stopdetection | MinPercentageRequiredForAuto Logoff |
| Minimum percentage of route completion required before AutoLogoff can be triggered. |
stopdetection | MinRequiredDurationForAutoLogoff | 30 | Minimum number of minutes that the vehicle is at the terminal before auto logoff can engage. |
stopdetection | MinStopsRequiredForAutoLogoff |
| Minimum number of actual stops that must be detected for AutoLogoff to be triggered. |
stopdetection | UtilizeGPSTrailWithFormBasedArrivalDeparture | True (P) or False | Determine whether to use historical GPS data to help buffer form arrival/departure in addition to fixed time. |
StopDetection | DetectZeroMinStopsAtPlnStopLoc | True (P) or False | Legacy configuration option. Currently unused. Set StopDetectionDurationNrPlnStop to 0 to achieve this. |
StopDetection | DetectZeroMinStopsAtTermLoc | True (P) or False | Legacy configuration option. Currently unused. Set StopDetectionDurationNrTerm to 0 to achieve this. |
StopDetection | MatchMultipleStopsWithSame AccountID | True (P) or False | Default value false. If false, stop matching will cease when a stop is attempting to be matched to multiple instances of the same AccountID. If true, stops will continue matching all occurrences inside a geofence regardless of accountID. |
StopDetection | MatchNonContiguousStops | True/False | Allows matching multiple stops that satisfy the conditions of a geofence without checking to make sure their sequence numbers are contiguous. |
StopDetection | ProcessEmailInSeperateThread | True (P) or False | Property to configure the delay email notification needs to be processed on a seperate thread. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionDuration | 15 | Determines the minimum duration required to consider a series of points as a stop. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionDurationNrPlnStop | 10 | Overrides StopDetectionDuration for points within a planned stop geofence. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionDurationNrTerm | 3 | Overrides StopDetectionDuration for points within a terminal geofence. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionSpeed | 15 | Maximum speed allowed for a point to be considered in stop detection logic. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionStopGeofence | 1500 | Default geofence for a planned stop location. Can be overridden at Account Master level. |
StopDetection | StopDetectionTerminalGeofence | 2500 | Default geofence for a planned terminal. |
StopDetection | StopMatchingStopGeofence | 1500 | Determine the geofence to use for matching a stop to a planned location. Dial this in if your stops are clustered nearby one another. |
StopDetection | StopMatchingTerminalGeofence | 2500 | Determine the geofence to use for matching a stop to a terminal location. Dial this in if your stops are clustered nearby one another. |
StopDetection | StopMergingDistance | 1500 | Determine the maximum allowed distance for two stops to be merged together into one stop. |
StopDetection | StopMergingDuration | 5 | Determine the maximum allowed duration between consecutive stops for the stops to be merged together into one stop. |
TELETRAC | AccountId |
| Credentials to access TeleTrac webservice. |
TELETRAC | EnableTeleTrac | True (P) or False | Enables TeleTrac |
TELETRAC | Password |
| Credentials to access TeleTrac webservice. |
TELETRAC | RouteInfo |
| Property for route information |
TELETRAC | StopInfo |
| Property for stop information |
TELETRAC | UserName |
| Credentials to access TeleTrac webservice. |
TOMTOM | OrderDisplayFormat | {Customer Name}\n | Determines the format for order detail data that is sent to WebFleet/TomTom devices. |
TOMTOM | OrderNoFormat | {AccountID}_ {OrderID} | Determines the format of the order number sent to WebFleet/TomTom |
TOMTOM | Account | Traxxisgps | Account |
TOMTOM | Password | xxxxxxx | Password |
TOMTOM | Username | Thom | companyname\username |
ui | AllowModifyStopAccountMaster | True (P) or False | Determines if stop needs to be updated with new Account Master information. |
ui | BarCodeFields | confphn={user:Delivery Confirm Phone}|job={user:Job Name}|confeml={user:Delivery Confirm Email}|podphn={user:Proof of Delivery Phone}|podeml={user:Proof of Delivery Email}| | Token string for bar code user fields |
ui | CalendarQuantityDisplayLabel | PT | Displays user set Alias on route calendar appointment block. |
ui | CalendarTruckCapacityQtyAlias | True (P) or False | Displays QTY Alias on route calendar appointment block. |
ui | DefaultDriverBreakTime | 0.5 | Allows user to set a default driver break time in hours. |
ui | DefaultLoadDayCode | 1 | Set default Day code for Route Board Master Route Search |
ui | EnableAutoRefreshOnOrderTracking | True (P) or False | Enables a user to auto-refresh the order tracking page |
ui | EnableBuildRoutes | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not the Build Routes option is available for use. |
ui | EnableSaveUserRouteStartTime Changes | True (P) or False | Keeps start times changed by users when optimizing |
ui | ExpandedStopSummaryMenu | True (P) or False | Enables expanding stops summary page button toolbar to the pre-7x (expanded) layout |
ui | FixedRoutesAction | None | Determines what action needs to be taken for fixed routes. |
ui | HazmatLimit | 1000 | Shows Hazmat warning on Delivery sheet if total route exceeds amount. |
ui | LassoStopsAction | Build new route | Determines what action needs to be taken when stops are lassoed. |
ui | LineItemDetailDisplayQtyFields | Quantity,Hazmat | Determines the quantity field that will be displayed when viewing line item details. |
ui | LineItemDetailDisplayUserFields | Item Number,Item Number Description | Determines the user fields that will be displayed when viewing line item details. |
ui | MoveRoutesBetweenBranches | True (P) or False | Determines if move routes between branches button needs to be enabled or not. |
ui | OrderBlockTokenString | {CUSTOMERNAME}|Pallets: {Qty:Pallet Qty}|{ORDERID}|{CITY}, {STATE} | Determines what fields show on Order Block in Detail View of Calendar |
ui | OrderCardQtyAlias1 | True (P) or False | Displays QTY Alias 1 on order card. |
ui | OrderCardQtyAlias2 | True (P) or False | Displays QTY Alias 2 on order card. |
ui | OrderCardUsrFldAlias1 | True (P) or False | Displays QTY Alias on order card. |
ui | OrderCardUsrFldAlias2 | True (P) or False | Displays QTY Alias on order card. |
ui | OrderSearchDateLimit |
| Sets the limit of the number of days to be returned |
ui | OrderToolTipTokenString | Customer Name: {CUSTOMERNAME}|Address: {Address1}|City, State: {CITY}, {STATE}|Pallet Qty: {qty:Pallet Qty}|{TIMEWINDOWS}|Job Name: {user:Job Name}|Customer PO: {user:Customer PO}|Order Number: {ORDERID}|Notes: {user:Delivery Instructions} | Determines what fields show on Order ToolTip in Detail View of Calendar |
ui | ReservationBlockTokenString |
| Determines what fields show on Reservation Block in Detail View of Calendar |
ui | ReservationToolTipTokenString |
| Determines what fields show on Reservation Tooltip in Detail View of Calendar |
ui | SearchQtyFields | Weight,Quantity | The qty fields on the application search cards. |
ui | SearchUserFields | Job Name,Proof Of Delivery Email | The user fields on the application search cards. |
ui | ShowAccountAddress | True (P) or False | Determines if account address needs to be shown in the routeboard and routesummary page |
ui | ShowActualDeliveryQuantitiesIn StopsPage | True (P) or False | show the actual qty in stop summary page |
ui | ShowAddressOnStopsPage | True (P) or False | Displays the Address column/field on the stop summary page |
ui | ShowEqCode | True (P) or False | Determine whether or not to show the EqCode column where applicable. |
ui | ShowLoadAndAssignForSuggest Routes | True (P) or False | Determines if load and assign needs to be shown in suggest routes. |
ui | ShowMasterSearch | True (P) or False | Enables search for order |
ui | ShowOrderBlockConfiguredFields Only | True (P) or False | Show configured fields setting for order block |
ui | ShowTruckCapacity | True (P) or False | Determine whether or not the truck capacity column will show in the routes page |
ui | ShowTruckCapValueOnRoute CalendarAppointment | True (P) or False | Displays truck loaded/capacity on route calendar appointment block. |
ui | SortRoutesByDisplayName | True (P) or False | Set sorting routes by display name property |
ui | SuggestStopsDisplayUserFields |
| Select up to (2) user field aliases to show in the suggest stops window for each unloaded order. |
ui | TruckCapacityQtyAlias | Pallet Qty, Hazmat | Determine which quantity alias to use for showing truck capacity. Default implies the first Qty. |
ui | UseDeliverySheet | True (P) or False | Use the Driver Delivery Sheet |
ui | UseTruckProfileForSuggestRoutes | True (P) or False | use truck profiles for route suggestions |
UI | HideTempDrivers | True (P) or False | Hides temporary drivers from driver list drop downs. |
UPL | DateFormat |
| The format used for dates |
UPL | EndingTerminal | True (P) or False | Export the ending terminal |
UPL | HeaderRecord | True (P) or False | Export the header record |
UPL | LineItemLevel | True (P) or False | Include fields at the line item level. |
UPL | OutPutFileName |
| The name of the output file |
UPL | OutPutFilePath |
| The server path to the output file |
UPL | OutPutFileSuffix |
| The suffix of the output file |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias1 | Weight | The qty field to use for SFQTY001 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias10 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY0010 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias2 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY002 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias3 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY003 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias4 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY004 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias5 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY005 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias6 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY006 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias7 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY007 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias8 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY008 |
UPL | QtyFieldAlias9 |
| The qty field to use for SFQTY009 |
UPL | StartingTerminal | True (P) or False | Export the starting terminal |
UPL | TimeFormat | H:mm | The format used for times |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias1 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD001 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias10 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD0010 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias2 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD002 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias3 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD003 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias4 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD004 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias5 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD005 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias6 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD006 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias7 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD007 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias8 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD008 |
UPL | TUserFieldAlias9 |
| The user field to use for TFUSERFLD009 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias1 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD001 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias10 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD0010 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias2 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD002 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias3 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD003 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias4 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD004 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias5 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD005 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias6 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD006 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias7 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD007 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias8 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD008 |
UPL | UserFieldAlias9 |
| The user field to use for SFUSERFLD009 |
Whiteboard | CreateNewRouteWhenDraggingStop ToEmptySlot | True (P) or False | Creates a new route on the resource planner when a planned stop is dragged to an empty slot in Details view. If false: Reassign route |
Whiteboard | DefaultDaysAheadForRoutes | 0 | Defaults the calendar view to show routes X days ahead of the scheduler. |
Whiteboard | DefaultDaysAheadForUnloaded Orders | 7 | Defaults the calendar view to show orders X days ahead of the scheduler. |
Whiteboard | DefaultDaysBehindForRoutes | 0 | Defaults the calendar view to show routes X days behind the scheduler. |
Whiteboard | DefaultDaysBehindForUnloaded Orders | 7 | Defaults the calendar view to show orders X days behind the scheduler. |
Whiteboard | DefaultPromptAcceptBehavior | AlwaysAccept | Determines the default AlwaysAccept behavior for the scheduler prompts. |
Whiteboard | DefaultPromptBehavior | AlwaysPrompt | Determines the initial prompt behavior when working with the scheduler. |
Whiteboard | EndOfBusinessDay | 21:00:00 | Declares the end of the business day for the default calendar view. (HH:mm:ss) |
Whiteboard | LineItemDisplayQtyFields | Quantity | Determines which quantity fields to show for line items in the whiteboard. |
Whiteboard | LineItemDisplayUserFields | Item Number,Item Number Description | Determines which user fields to show for line items in the whiteboard. |
Whiteboard | MinutesPerRow | 15 | Declares how large time increments are defined for the whiteboard. |
Whiteboard | RouteCalendarDefaultResourceView | Assets | Determines the default resource view in the whiteboard. |
Whiteboard | RouteCalendarDefaultView | Details | Determines the default view in the whiteboard. |
Whiteboard | RowHeight | 15 | Defines how tall (in pixels) a single row in the scheduler displays. |
Whiteboard | Show24HoursByDefault | True (P) or False | Defaults the calendar view to show all 24 hours by default. |
Whiteboard | ShowNotesPanel | True (P) or False | Shows notes panel on Route Calendar |
Whiteboard | ShowUnloadedOrdersByDefault WhenViewingMap | True (P) or False | Determines whether or not the unloaded stops layer will be visible by default when viewing the map in the route calendar. |
Whiteboard | StartOfBusinessDay | 6:00:00 | Declares the beginning of the business day for the default calendar view. (HH:mm:ss) |
Whiteboard | UnloadedOrderDragDropBehavior | Initialize | Determines how to handle unloaded orders that are dragged onto the resource planner. |
Xata | ExportShipTo | True (P) or False | Exports ShipTo address to Xata when set to true |
Xata | ParentOrganizationID | 0 | ParentOrganizationID |
Xata | Password |
| Password |
Xata | UnitQtyAlias |
| Sepcify a qty alias that needs to be exported as units to Xata |
Xata | Username |
| companyname\username |
Xata | WeightQtyAlias |
| Sepcify a qty alias that needs to be exported as weight to Xata |
XRS | CompanyLoginID | 599979 | XRS Company Login ID |
XRS | ExportShipTo | True (P) or False | Exports ShipTo address to XRS when set to true |
XRS | Password |
| XRS Password |
XRS | ProductCodeAlias |
| Sepcify a user field alias that needs to be exported as product code to XRS |
XRS | RootOrganizationID | 0 | RootOrganizationID |
XRS | UnitQtyAlias |
| Sepcify a qty alias that needs to be exported as units to XRS |
XRS | UnitQtyTypeAlias |
| Sepcify a user field alias that needs to be exported as unit type to XRS |
XRS | Username | VSawyer | companyname\username |
XRS | WeightQtyAlias |
| Sepcify a qty alias that needs to be exported as weight to XRS |