DirectRoute 24.1 General Release is now available to all customers on Client Center.
New Features
Added the ability to automatically add stop and truck Time Zones via the Geocoding process.
Added the ability to view the time measurement of Seconds to the Route Book.
Upgraded to PC*MILER 37 for utilization during Distance Matrix generation.
Bug Fixes
- Added the Copyright statement to the Help > About dialog box.
- Resolved an issue with printing via Crystal Reports.
- Resolved an issue within the Asynchronous Distance Matrix API call involving improper request formatting.
- Resolved an issue with the Route Export XML not including Violation and Lock status information.
- Resolved an issue where the application closes after canceling the Priority Routing dialog box.
- Fixed an issue where Unavailable Trucks were available in the Relay by Truck feature.
- Fixed an issue where an Unhandled Exception was occurring while trying to edit and add to a saved Scenario in the Scenario Manager utility.
- Resolved an issue where the wrong stop was being removed from Leg 2 of a multi-leg route during editing.
- Updated the logic used when pressing *F9* (Refresh) to resolve an issue occurring after the user edits to the truck LDate field.
- Fixed an issue with using Route Ranges in the Set Route Start Time Route Book feature.
- Resolved an issue within Selective Routing if the user was trying to use output from SchedulePro.
- Resolved an issue occurring with Initialize in the Route Book's Territory Summary if the stop file contained territory-level stop assignments.
- Fixed a display issue in the Route Book where String data type User Fields were showing as 0.
- Fixed an issue where an Unhandled Exception was occurring in Selective Routing mode after filtering two times using the dropdown menu.
- Researched an issue and changed the Total Days of Operation input parameter to achieve a more balanced multi-week schedule.
- Unassigned stops that were assigned manually were not correctly updated to the color green which indicates Assigned and Scheduled.
- Resolved a display issue where stops were being duplicated and allowed to float on the map.
- Resolved an issue where incorrect volume summary data was displayed as found in the popup occurring with a mouse hover.
- Fixed an issue where unchecking the *Use Private Fleet* option would double the shipment data.
- Resolved a specific use case where the Load algorithm was building Violated TL routes.
- Fixed an issue where the Load algorithm was using Unavailable TL assets from the truck file.
- Resolved an issue with Prevent loading Pickup after delivery for TL routes was not working properly.
Updating to a New Version
If you are interested in updating to this newest release or have questions for our team, contact Trimble Maps Customer Support, or call (US toll-free): phone 1-800-663-0626 (Option 6, then Option 7); Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Central Time.