What is ClientCenter?

The Trimble ClientCenter is Trimble’s customer-only support site. Here, customers can access product downloads, learning materials, and find support team contact information. ClientCenter can be reached by visiting https://clientcenter.trimble.com.

Accessing ClientCenter

  1. Log Into ClientCenter by entering your username (a) and password (b), then click Sign In (c).
  2. If you forgot your password, click the Can’t access your account? link, or contact support at support@trimblemaps.com.

Downloading New Versions

  1. Click the menu (1), then select Build Delivery > Downloads.

  2. From the Line of Business dropdown, select TMW Appian.
  3. From the Product dropdown, select DirectRoute.
  4. From the Build dropdown, select [Newest Build].

  5. From the list below, click the latest build of DirectRoute, then click View Details.

  6. Review the release notes for the version you wish to download, then check the box next to I have received the notes above provided by Trimble for this download.
  7. Under Available Files, click the Download link. The installer downloads as a ZIP archive.

  8. Once the file completes downloading, extract the ZIP to your Desktop. Do not extract the ZIP to a shared resource such as a network drive. DirectRoute will not install correctly if the installer is run from a shared resource.
  9. To install, refer to the DirectRoute installation guide.