Fixed Routes

About Fixed Routes
The Fixed Routes page lets you view and edit stored fixed routes. The Fixed Routes tab behaves in similar ways to the Route Planning page with some minor ex...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2024 at 4:11 PM
Create or Edit a Fixed Route
If you have permission to view the Fixed Routes page, you can create new Fixed Routes with the Create Route button. Clicking the Create Route butto...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2024 at 4:11 PM
Delete or Unload a Fixed Route
Because Fixed Routes are templates, it is important to ensure any changes made are intentional. You will be prompted to type delete or unload to confirm the...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2024 at 4:11 PM
Including Predefined Routes in Route Planning
Some fleets operate fixed routes that are stored in their ERP. Daily Planner can build new routes while taking these fixed routes into consideration.  A...
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Trim Expected Orders
If there are expected orders for a given day that you know won’t come in, you can trim those from the route with Trim Expected Orders. This can be done per ...
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Route Comparison and Summary Statistics
You can compare Fixed Routes with the Route Comparison chart. The bottom of the Fixed Routes page also displays Summary Statistics.
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Fixed Route Frequency
The frequency of an order can be viewed by customizing the card layout or grid table under the Account section. Frequency is also available on the Route Pla...
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Preassignment Status
You can see a route’s preassignment status on the Fixed Route and Route Planning pages. The dot shows next to the route name, and hovering over it shows the...
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Fixed Route Management Specific Cues
Daily Planner can call out expected orders on cloned Fixed Routes, allowing you to see which orders are yet to be received by Appian. A red outline around a...
Fri, 2 Aug, 2024 at 4:11 PM