Daily Planner can view and trim daily copies of Fixed Routes, which are called Master Routes in DRTrack.


The following are important terms to keep in mind:

Fixed Route: Known as a Master Route in DRTrack, a Fixed Route is a “template” of a route plan that provides the starting point for daily routes into the future.

Expected Order: Known as a Fake Order in DRTrack. A placeholder order on a Fixed Route.

Received Order: An actual order that replaces the expected order.


You can find more information about Fixed Routes (known as Master Routes in DirectRoute and DRTrack) by viewing the following:


If you need additional information, see the DRTrack User Guide.

Viewing Copies of Fixed Routes in Daily Planner

When viewing Fixed Routes in Daily Planner, there will be several visual indicators to help them understand which routes are still waiting for orders and easily see the difference between Expected Orders and Received Orders. Fixed Routes can be edited just like Daily Routes in Daily Planner.

Routes Pane

The number at the top of the Routes pane indicates the total number of routes as well as how many have been fulfilled. If you hover over it, a details pane will appear. Clicking it will open the Missing Accounts window.

Each route card will be outlined in red if there are no received orders. There is also a badge count on the route card with a hover-over showing expected vs received counts.

Route Stops Pane

The route stops pane also has a count at the top with a hover-over that shows expected vs received. Clicking on this count will open the Missing Account window. It will only show the expected orders associated with that specific route. Stop cards within the route are outlined in red and if the order is consolidated there is a badge count for each stop.

Map Indicators

There are indicators for expected orders visible on the map. A stop on a route will show a red outline if it is expected. If the user clicks on the stop to view details there will be a blue E badge indicating the order is expected. Consolidated orders will show an E next to each order that is still expected.

Unloaded Orders are shown on the map with an E in the point. 

Missing Accounts window

To view missing accounts, click on the count on either the Route or Unloaded Orders headers. This will open the Missing Accounts window. Here you can search, hide unwanted columns, and rearrange columns.


Clicking the header count for Route Details will open the same window, but filtered down to only show missing accounts for the selected route.


Trim Copies of Fixed Routes in Daily Planner

Daily Planner can call out expected orders for Fixed Routes, allowing you to trim expected orders from a route. A red outline around a route card indicates there are no filled orders for that route, and there is a field added to the card called “Expected” that shows the count of Expected Orders. At the top of each pane, there is an overall count of routes or orders that are still expected.


Hovering over each of these counts will show more detail.


The map has visual indicators to inform you whether an order is still expected. A stop on a route will show a red outline if it is expected. Clicking the stop to view details will show a blue E to indicate this, and Consolidated orders will show an E next to each order to indicate this.


Unloaded Orders show on the map with an E in the map point.


If there are expected orders for a given day that you know won’t come in, you can trim those from the route with Trim Expected Orders. This can be done per route, or as a batch action.






Trimming expected orders cannot be undone. To abort, click Cancel.



Once the Trim operation is complete you’ll receive a toast message notifying you how many orders were trimmed.


You can use the new quick filters to filter for only routes expecting orders or fully received routes.

Similarly, there are now expected order quick filters on the Unloaded Orders pane.


Fixed Routes Tab

Fixed Routes can now be created, edited, and deleted in Daily Planner for users with the Can Manage Master Routes permission in DRTrack. The Fixed Routes tab behaves in similar ways to the Route Planning page with some minor exceptions: load unloaded orders, build routes, silent optimization (hotkey), and changing the start date from the Change Start Time window. These exceptions were made to reduce the likelihood of a Fixed Route being modified unintentionally. Similarly, the statistics section will just show Route Comparison charts.


Other than those exceptions, you can take action on their Fixed Routes in the same way a user can take action on a dynamic route on the Route Planning page. You can learn more about what actions you can take on routes in the Appian Daily Planner User Guide.



To select a Fixed Route profile, click the dropdown to the right of the Branch dropdown. In the example below, the Branch is named FIXEDTESTING, and the Fixed Route profile is named Fixed Routes. The Fixed Route dropdown menu will say what you have named your Fixed Route profile. Fixed routes can be filtered even further by selecting specific days from the Week/Day selector. Selecting a whole week will show all Fixed Routes with day codes that correspond with the selected week.


Create or Edit a Fixed Route

If you have permission to view the Fixed Routes page, you can create new Fixed Routes with the Create Route button.


Clicking the Create Route button opens the Create Fixed Route window. From here you can input a Route Name, select a Truck Profile, and filter trucks by the Start Day (which is based on the daycode). Once a route is created with a specific truck profile, that profile is associated with the selected Fixed Routing Profile.




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You can customize the truck table to show any truck file information toggled on in the Alias Settings > Truck User Fields section of Daily Planner.


Fixed Routes can be edited the same way as dynamic routes. Dragging stops, unloading, rescheduling, etc are all available actions for Fixed Routes.

Delete or Unload a Fixed Route

Because Fixed Routes are templates, it is important to ensure any changes made are intentional. You will be prompted to type delete or unload to confirm the deletion or unloading of a Fixed Route when attempting to do either from the Fixed Routes page.


Route Comparison and Summary Statistics for Fixed Routes

You can compare Fixed Routes with the Route Comparison chart. You can learn more about Route Comparison in the Daily Planner User Guide. The bottom of the Fixed Routes page also displays Summary Statistics.



Fixed Route Frequency

The frequency of an order can be viewed by customizing the card layout or grid table under the Account section. Frequency is also available on the Route Planning page as an option.

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Preassignment Status Dot on Fixed Route and Route Planning Pages

Users can now see a route’s preassignment status on the Fixed Route and Route Planning pages. The dot shows next to the route name, and hovering over it shows the driver and device assigned to the route.


The color of the dot indicates the following:

  • Blue = preassigned
  • Green = logged in
  • Red = logged off