Appian Support


About the Customers Tab
Customers provide access to key customer data fields for editing. This includes: Accounts Emails & Notifications POI Ship To (ShipTo Manager)
Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Accounts (Account Management)
Each customer record contains key fields unique to the customer, including name, account number, address, delivery/service requirements (Time Windows), spec...
Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 at 12:25 PM
Emails & Notifications (Email Manager)
Email Manager is used for setting up event-generated email notifications for selected individuals. Add or edit existing email addresses, and select which sp...
Wed, 13 Dec, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Point of Interest (POI) Manager
The POI feature enables users to identify and save geolocations on the map in a library that can be used in the same manner as a legitimate address when ass...
Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 3:15 PM
Ship To (ShipTo Manager)
The ShipTo Manager is used to manage those accounts that you ship to regularly. Customer address and Lat/Long can be edited from this module, and/or the acc...
Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 at 3:15 PM